For those of you who have dug some spare change out of the sofa lately, here are some shopping ideas.
You can buy this metal and glass necklace by Louis Vuitton for $17,760. You read that right. METAL and GLASS for nearly $18,000.

Or, for just $25 more, you can get all of the following from Wendy Brandes Jewelry:

For being such a good customer, I might give you 10% off. So you have an extra $1,778.50 to spend on:

You can feel really good about this one, because part of the proceeds go here

So which is it, peeps? One metal and glass Louis Vuitton necklace or nine WendyB gold/silver pieces? Your choice.
I’ll see some of you at the trunk show tonight, I hope! A Book Club post almost appeared today, but it got delayed by my traditional pre-show meltdown. It will run next week.
Beautiful jewelry. Thanks for posting a comment on my new blog. Those flowers were inspired by a photo my daugher took of a window box in either Belgium or Paris. I love the drop earrings and the chrysanthemum necklace!
love all those pictures.
but i must say the Chrysanthemum Necklace in rock crystal, diamonds and gold is in my top choise
that gloriana necklace is just beautiful… and the diana ring, still one of the most tactile rings i’ve ever tried on. (one day that ring will be mine…)
All the very best for your show tonight-I wish I was there:-(
I absolutely adore the Gloriana necklace-feel free to send it over-I can be your muse and model it for life for free-ha ha!!
Ulp. I can’t afford any of it! *sob*
The day I have a cool $1400 laying around, that Chrysanthemum necklace will come home with me!
I recently bought a heart-shaped gold ring from H&M in London which is an exact copy of the one shown above. Love it!
^^I sure hope it’s not an exact copy of mine!
I’m thinking about that silver lotus necklace…I’m afraid I will have to pass on the Gloriana necklace.
Mr.OM and I laughed about that LV necklace. How utterly preposterous that thing is.
Good luck with your show. I’ll be there in spirit!
The very second that I have 18 grand to spare, I will be ordering every piece of the jewellery you showcased.
Well when you put it like that….*whips out imaginary cheque book*
Susie from Style Bubble
Wel I’d definitely go for the Brandes package… your Gloriana necklace is divine!
Might have to order a Boleyn necklace from you one day, I really like’em!
Wel I’d definitely go for the Brandes package… your Gloriana necklace is divine!
Might have to order a Boleyn necklace from you one day, I really like’em!
your pieces are so beautiful! thanks for sharing. i cant wait to be able to afford them 🙂 xoxo
At this very moment, Miss J is imagining what she could fashion of of a smashed wine bottle and that old tomato cage behind her garage. Hmm. She’s seeing some very bloody fingers in her future.
The WendyB Boleyn necklace is a much better option.
They do come in ALL initial, don’t they?
hmm tough question Wendy! haha just kidding, LV is soo full of themselves, you rock of course!
your jewelry is so much prettier then the lv necklace i think i’d rather go to the recycling bin outside and get stuff to make my own metal and glass necklace then its FREE honestly 18,000 dollars for metal and glass forget about it!!
hmmm, one necklace or 8 pieces of jewelry…its a real toss-up!
I love the apple necklace, but I don’t have $1000…darn!
those blue topaz earrings are absolutely phenomenal!
Those drop earrings are gorrrrgeous. Mm, mm, good.
And AHEM where and when is this trunk show?! Adoring public must know!
xo MG
Sold. Except skull rings scare the fuck out of me.
yeah that’s f’ing insane!! Did u read today’s NYT on the growing resentment of the consumer over the prices for designer goods…?
i’ll go with your lovely pieces then, wendy. beautiful jewelry! i wish i had some 1000$ to spare… but when i have, i’ll come back to you 🙂
almost pooped twice looking at that magazine. once when i saw you and once when I saw that price tag. Blech. no way.
I am seriously falling for your jewelry with every passing day…
it really is so pretty! I love the Gloriana necklace…too bad my jewelry purchases are financially limited to Forever21 and thrift stores. 🙂
Like Chelsea Rae said – one piece of jewelry or eight pieces of gorgeous precious metal and diamond jewelry?
It’s not exactly a tough decision.
Although your beautiful jewelry shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same post and something made from such everyday materials as metal and glass, even if said metal and glass has an LV logo.
Hope your show went well!
The sun necklace is so gorgeous.
thanks for your comments!!
is it weird that my favorite piece out of the ones you just showed is the memento mori ring? what can i say, i’m a skull gal! all of your stuff is beautiful though!
those earrings are beautiful