Well, they were my favorites when I was 15!
Paul McCartney is 66 today.
And my beloved John Taylor of Duran Duran will turn 48 on Friday.
I had good taste as a teenager, didn’t I?
UPDATED TO ADD: McGone points out that both the love objects of my teen years are bass players. McGone also points out that he himself is a bass player. Interesting.
UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: Speaking of age, we have the nearly-50-year-old and increasingly annoying Jamie Lee Curtis crying (again) about how after a certain age, we (meaning women) owe it to the world to give up, get fat and lock ourselves away so we don’t hurt the sensitive eyes of youngsters. Jamie is a few months YOUNGER than Madonna. I’d much rather be like Madonna and shake my ass on stage at 50 — youngsters’ eyes and opinions be damned — or be like Macca and rock thousands of Ukrainians at 66, than be a dreary whiner like Jamie at any age. Don’t expect me to be schlepping around like Jamie in this 2002 article in three years when I’m 43.
This reminds me that I’ve been meaning to say that I find the terms “MILF” and “cougar” to be completely sexist. Where are the male equivalents? Oh yeah, there aren’t any, because it’s just assumed that men don’t become disgusting after they have kids and/or pass the age of 30.
well yeah happy birthday to them too !!
Some men just look better and better as they age, like good wine. But, why do women just get old????? ~ sad
Gotta thing for bass players, do we?
I used to play bass, you know. Not that i usually admit that, I’m just saying.
Miss Janey was told long ago taht as far as dating goes, always stick with the rhythm section. They form the backbone and don’t crave the spotlight as much as a lead singer or lead guitarist. Mr. Janey is a drummer.
Miss Janey, Mr. ObservationMode is also a drummer.
I myself will be turning 42 on Sunday, so happy birthday to me also. Even if I’m not a bass playing guy you had a crush on back in ’85.
I used to luuurve John Taylor too. But now that he’s married into that Juicy Couture set, well, I dont know!
Happy birthday, Deirdre. Hey, ever consider taking up the bass? Hmm? Ever? Hmm?
FYI to savvy gal: I’m 42 on Sunday (did I mention it’s also my birthday? I love my birthday!) and I look better now than I ever did. I get better looking every year (am I allowed to say that about myself?).
Other gorgeous women:
my friend Jean (79)
my friend Sheila (68 and H to the O to the T)
Martha Stewart
Dame Judy Dench
Yeah older women!
Even better, Miss Cavendish. Now he’s rich! Yeah, he made some money with the band, but by his own telling, he snorted a great deal of those proceeds.
John Taylor is fit, isn’t he!!
i still love the beatles. my dad used to listen to them all the time when we were in the car, and i know most of their songs.
I LOVE Paul McCartney…
john taylor’s been doing funny things to my shorts since I was 11 🙂
You tell ’em.
Mr.ObservationMode is 49, if anyone is interested. Ringo Starr was his inspiration for playing drums.
John Taylor, that sexy guy that I used to looove when I was like 10? hahaha
Happy birthday both too!
What, the bass player from Men Without Hats wasn’t good enough for you?
Also, I used to play bass incredibly poorly, in a band many people called “The Beatles and Duran Duran of thrashy skate punk.”
Okay, nobody called us that, but still.
Happy birthday John! Le sigh. I was at the Salvation Army yesterday and they started playing Come Undone. I was ecstatic! It’s one of their BEST songs from that early 90s album, but the radio always plays Ordinary World instead.
As if you’re forty you big liar. I would have said thirty tops. I totally want to be like Mads. That’s why I go to the gym all the time. I’m going to be a buff old granny one day! Oh and you don’t have to be above the age of 30 to be a ‘cougar’ I’m 24 and have been very firmly branded as a cradle snatcher…
And I will be attending another 48 year old’s concert on Friday when I go to MSG to see The Cure. Robert Smith is not nearly as HOT as JT but will fill my 80’s music void!
Wow they both look really good! I agree I would much rather be like Madonna at age 50 than Jamie Lee.
Wow they both look really good! I agree I would much rather be like Madonna at age 50 than Jamie Lee.
haha awesome taste Wendy, my teeenage taste was sadly for Freddie Prince Jr haha…ugg
Sir Paul, hunky John, MILF and cougar . . . I applaud your positions on all four topics.
@Miss Janey: You failed to mention the most obvious reason to date within the rhythm section . . . rhythm. Sweet, sweet rhythm.
Happy birthday to them. I know paul was from the beatles but the other guy i had no clue :). i love reading this blog i always learn something!!
Hey, my son shares a birthday with Sir Paul…I hope that doesn’t doom him to eventual marriage to a psycho. Totally agreed on “MILF” and (gag) “cougar”, not only because they’re completely sexist, but because I’m so sick of hearing both terms. I’d like to impose a fine on anyone who uses either in conversation or in print.
Oh god, can Jamie Lee Curtis just leave us alone or wear a burka or something?!
while i completely agree that jamie needs to quit the whining, she has done some pretty cool things for women’s portrayal in the media. a few years back, she agreed to pose for redbook, i believe, without any makeup or retouching. while she didn’t look incredible, by any means, it was refreshing, brave, and ground-breaking in my eyes.
I carefully wrote replies to all you commenters, and then my computer crashed. Waaah! I lost them all. Sorry 🙁 I don’t have the energy to do them again. But I will say to Jayne, holy cow! I remember thinking Freddie Prinze’s FATHER was so cute!
i’ll join your grannie parade any old day wendy b!
as long as it’s filled with colored tights, leopard print, lots of gold lame and prints…neon prints…lots of it…oh and acid washed jeans with wedge heels.
The Beatles are THE band to play when you’re working late (hello!) to sing along to as you’re shoving charts into PowerPoint. I loved them as a kid. My granddad was a huge fan of theirs and he was in his 60s in the 60s and later when I came along and he used to babysit me he’d play the Beatles. So I grew up with the love!
yeah yeah yeah.
The Beatles are THE band to play when you’re working late (hello!) to sing along to as you’re shoving charts into PowerPoint. I loved them as a kid. My granddad was a huge fan of theirs and he was in his 60s in the 60s and later when I came along and he used to babysit me he’d play the Beatles. So I grew up with the love!
yeah yeah yeah.
John Taylor’s pretty hot especially in that pic where he’s doing that sexy rocker pout! I never really thought of MILF and cougar to be sexist, disgusting yes, but not really sexist. Maybe there aren’t any male equivalents because calling a man FILF (father) can be taken in more than one way…
Happy Birthday to Sir Paul. I grew up with The Beatles, and although my mother tried to convince me Paul was “the cute one” I always had a thing for John.
BTW, I passed Jamie Lee coming out of Neimans a few months ago, and she looked damn good. Very stylish and sophisticated.
DP, that makes her even more annoying to me! So she goes around wailing and gnashing her teeth while looking perfectly respectable when Oprah’s not around? Seriously, give me Madonna’s big guns and straightforward neuroses!
DILF would be the male equivalent of MILF.
As for Madonna and Jamie, I say neither. My vote’s for Bette Midler and Cyndi Lauper. Bette looked fabulous on Oprah today and Cyndi still rocks.
what do mean “increasingly annoying”, she been annoying me since Trading Places!
Yes, but Raven, who ever uses “DILF”?
Imelda, I mean “increasingly.” If she was annoying in Trading Places, she’s more annoying now.
truly a happy birthday for paul with that troll of an ex-wife out of his life!
I would have commented on the whole age thing but you got me with that, sigh, snap of John Taylor. He is one attractive man. I lusted after him from the pages of Smash Hits magazine too.
love it that I will always be younger than John Taylor – oh, those taylor boys had my blood boiling back in the day.
HATE cougar and MILF, as much as I hate young guys telling me what a bad example SATC is for women. WTF????? I’d smack them if I wasn’t so intent on seducing them with my evil, slutty middle-aged ways…
Fashion Herald,I think I wuv you.
Will you also speak with a faux-British accent when you’re 50 like Madonna? That’d be cool.
Amen! JLC annoys me with that bullshit too. I’m 31, I still get ID’d at gay bars and I plan on keeping it that way for as long as I can!!!Never give up Wendy!!
p.s. I see DILF’s around here all the time. And I say DILF in my head.
It exists.
Grant, if you would find it sexy, yes, of course.
LL/IC, if you say it, that’s good enough for me.
i know! everytime i see madonna i actually feel older! She parades around all muscly and fit and i feel like an absolute slob!
i would love to have her mind set when i’m her age…and not actually give a shit about my age!
Blah, neither Madonna nor Jamie Lee Curtis are good role models as “women of 50” but at least Madonna’s consistent. Jamie Lee writes an article on aging with grace and then gets botox.
Jane Fonda is always talking about regretting plastic surgery but she looks AWESOME. I’m all for Jane’s plastic surgery. She shouldn’t apologize!
Aaaaah, John T. DREAMY!
Still, we wouldn’t have had to fight over him in High School because I was partial to Nick!