I’m a big fan of Cakespy and her L’il Cuppie cupcake character. It made my day to find out that Bakerella had baked a L’il Cuppie of her own a while back. As if it that weren’t enough, she made a cute video with it. Where was I the day someone was handing out all this ingenuity and initiative? Probably hanging out in the playground with the wrong crowd.
I’ve discovered that cupcakes are taking over the blogosphere.
- 52 Cupcakes
- All Things Cupcake
- (cup)caketastrophe
- Cupcake Rehab
- Cupcakes Take the Cake
- Girl Meets Cupcake
- How to Eat a Cupcake
- I Heart Cuppycakes!
- Kumquat Cupcakery
- No One Puts Cupcake in a Corner
- NZ Cupcake Queen
- The Cupcakery
The Tattooed Mama, owner of All Things Cupcake, shared her cupcake tattoo.
More cupcake tattoos here.
Cupcakes seem sweet and innocent, but they clearly are plotting to take over the world. Don’t make them angry.
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I thought cupcakes had reached their peak a few years ago. Back then I had even gone down the whole route of planning and naming my bakery but then I was thinking the trend had passed.
But those cupcakes are resilient!
It seems they are as strong as ever, lucky for us. Because they are so delish!
hahah cup cakes, I use to love making them when I was younger i didn’t know they were making such a comeback.
The tattoo is a little freaky, not sure If I would put that on my body.
Ugh your making me hungry.
Well, with a blog called “The Cupcake Diary” I think I don’t need to say I like cupcakes…!
Hey! Thanks for the link!
I’ve been a big fan of your jewelry for a long time now, I just literally read your Marie Claire article a few days ago and here I see you have me linked in a post on your blog. Pretty cool.
The cupcake will definitely take over the world… and leave a trail of crumbs and frosting behind in its sugary wake.
Dang, that’s brilliant! Two of my favorite things: cupcakes and Diet Coke, all done up super-cute-ly in a sweet video!
It’s been my experience that you can get away with a lot of stuff when you have a sweet, creamy center.
Thanks for the cupcake love!
I have my cupcake tasting on Wednesday after work! I’m excited to pack on the pounds!
I never realized cupcakes had such rich internal lives. That just makes them even more delicious.
The problem with cupcakes is that you eat them too quickly and they’re gone.
but they do have a great capacity for beauty.
omgggggggggg i need a cupcake tattoo, how badass would I look when I’m 80?
I can see this becoming a short story–the day cupcakes attacked the world.
This is really cute and funny 😉
sweetness! give me cupcake please, now.
Cupcakes are my favorite food group! I made Truffles Bakery chocolate cupcakes yesterday 🙂 And I am totally loving Judith Leiber’s cupcakes purses… Good enough to eat!
what a great post! clearly, i’m a huge fan of the little treats, seeing as though i’ve even named my blog after them! i like the idea though, that they’re not all sugary sweet confections, but can be tough too 🙂
Thanks wendy for sharing my “freaky” tattoo! ha ha ha. Loves it.
Jess – The Tattooed Mama
All Things Cupcake
i like cupcakes but i don’t understand the craze…
I was considering a third tattoo. Definitely NOT a cupcake. (I might consider a chocolate chip cookie.)
i love cupcakes. they are so cute. i have a c&c cupcake tank i need to dig out of my closet!
Yes-I’ve read in the Daily Mail not too long ago that cupcakes are back in a big way too-ha ha!!
i’ll make sure to get a picture of some amazing cupcakes at magnolia if i go to nyc this summer :]
& have you heard of johnny cupcake, the brand that makes cupcake shirts ?
ps – félicitations on being in marie-claire :] !!!
My nickname at work is “cupcake” and while it’s not my fav…I answer to it still. It use to be the term my ex would choose knowing how I felt. But I still let the people at work and I would still let Ellie…she is my little cupcake and always will be. Oh, I also love a good cupcake.
that cupcake tattoo thing made me laugh. “The Day the Cupcakes Bit Back”, I could totally see that as some random 50’s film locked away in an old MGM vault.
that cupcake tattoo thing made me laugh. “The Day the Cupcakes Bit Back”, I could totally see that as some random 50’s film locked away in an old MGM vault.
haha, this post was fun!
Ah gawd want a cupcake right now!
Marie Clare July edition not in UK shops yet!
thanks for including the NZ Cupcake Queen in your list 🙂
LMAO, that video’s amazing. I make the best cupcakes ever. I sold them in school for a dollar each to support my MAC addiction.
Gala darling of Galadarling.com also loves cupcakes, and I belive she too has a cupcake tatoo. The nice thing is her enitre blog isn’t devoted them but there are lovely little hints and articles and reviews too! yum! 😀
Cuddles and cookies,
The sweet tooth in me rejoices!
I feel so cool. I made the list! Thanks for the link love 🙂
I have the greatest cupcake recipe on earth. I know this for a fact. I make cupcakes whenever we have a party and people can’t contain themselves over how good they are. Because they are the best. I could make millions off my cupcakes but I’m just too lazy.
Shit you, I do not.
Thanks for voicing a concern I’ve harbored for ages. Magnolia seemed to start the landslide.
Watch out.
Ha, ha that video is great. I like the sound of the cupcake drinking the diet coke. Like you said, aces for creativity.
ah don’t forget the queen of love and cupcakes! gala darling!
you know, back before blogging, i wanted to open a cupcake shop in north beach called ‘nice cupcakes’ i can’t cook that well, but i thought they would make nice t-shirts.
Cupcakes are taking over London too….thanks for the cupcakes link collation!
i went with gala to a cupcake met the other day. it was such an eye opener!
you should see the cupcake bakeries popping up over here in Kuwait. They’re going to be more than hot dog stands in NY!
another one for your cupcakes link – Cupcakes and Cashmere(cupcakesandcashmere.com)
Ahhhhh cupcakes! <3