I’ve previously done the “six unspectacular quirks” tag, but since gorgeous bloggers Fasshonaburu and Pretty in Black have both tagged me, I’m doing it again. Please note that I will beat a bitch’s ass if anyone else tries to tag me with this.
I’m supposed to put the rules here, but I’m not going to.
Here are the quirks:
- I have a problem with rules.
- I can’t carry a tune, though lately I’ve been surreptitiously singing to myself when no one else is around.
- I love butter. I think the words “butter pat” are two of the nicest words in the English language. I once tried to convince a friend to get a “butterfly” tattoo that was a drawing of a stick of butter with wings. Hey, if she’s going to mark up her body, I might as well be amused by it.
- I believe there’s nothing that can be done now that shouldn’t be put off till tomorrow. Or next week. How about never? Does never work for you?
- I hate when adults use the word “yummy” unless they’re talking about “yummy Wendy Brandes jewelry,” in which case they’re forgiven. I generally hate it in a fashion context. Please don’t say “yummy cashmere.” I also hate “slick”as a verb, especially in this classic magazine usage: “Just slick on some Vaseline instead of lipstick.” Also, no one has ever been beautified by Vaselined lips.
- I tend to forget but never forgive. I know someone has pissed me off, but I don’t quite remember what s/he did. When this happens, I ask Terri Berry or my gorgeous friend Alyssa what I’m enraged about. They’re like two external backup drives.
If you want to be tagged, let me know in the comments.
UPDATED TO ADD: Pamcasso, consider yourself tagged!
UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: Emily of Cupcakes and (yummy) Cashmere, you are tagged too!
I didn’t even know I hated slick as a verb until you mentioned this. And I thought impact as a verb was bad.
You’re a rebel.
Even your unspectacular quirks are spectacularly yummy! Hope that isn’t annoying.;-)
I love butter too I put it on everything. Hurray for fabio!
You cannot beat butter Wendy-we’ve tried all the other alternatives and ‘yuk’ is the appropriate word to describe them all!
Trendinista is now Trend de la Crème!
Please update link. Thanks!
P.S. There is also a new link to your article: http://www.trenddelacreme.com/2008/02/lovable-wendy-brandes-jewelry-designer.html
I put off everything too π
I’ve never thought there was anything wriong with the word yummy but now I think about it its a little strange past the age of 8
You can tag me:) Have you ever seen disney’s Alice in Wonderland? the butterflies in the scene where the flowers sing golden afternoon are like pieces of buttered bread or something (not sure, haven’t seen it in a while, but I remember thinking it was clever).
“Bread is merely a vehicle for butter.”
I DO say ‘yummy chasmere’and according to number 6, you will never forgive me.
But Sister Wolf, at least I will forget about it!
Haha! Okay, just don’t tell Terri or Alyssa.
every morning i love to sit down and eat toast spread with delicious buttermilk concoction of ‘i can’t believe its not butter’, and then head to the bathroom to do my hair and slick on my vaseline and put on my yummy cashmere sweater…there is nothing more i love doing EVERY morning
Butter is great… ‘I can’t believe it’s not butter’ is however not real butter….
That “putting off thing” is great! I believe in it too. sometimes. that’s why fashionably cute yet again is lacking updates.
Though you seemed upset about having to repeat ‘six unspectacular quirks,’ your answers certainly brightened my Monday! I actually laughed outloud when I read your issue with the word ‘yummy’ and couldn’t agree more. I would love to be tagged for this!
“Yummy Mommy” is THE worst example.
adding to the words that you hate…i hate when people use the expression “i PICKED UP this ring in india”. what do you mean you picked it up? did you steal it? was it on the floor? shouldn’t you say you BOUGHT it?
Thanks again for tagging me! I had a blast answering the questions. Please let me know if you’d be interested in exchanging links!
Guerreira, I hate when people say so-and-so “snapped up” some fashion item. That implies some kind of speed to me. I picture them racing into the store, tearing ten of the same shirt off the hangers, throwing the credit card at the salesperson and running out the door.
Ahh.. . I wanted to tag you but I’ll get my ass bitten π
I love butter too. Sometimes I cut slices from the slabs, and then I finish the entire slab
Retifism, I think I heart you. Both for not tagging me and for eating butter.
i love the sass of this post!
I have to confess .. I had two fresh laid eggs boiled with toast fingers lots of butter and described it as yummy… as it was xxx love butter too π
At least you were referring to food and not a sweater!