I’ve been tagged by Dress Forms Pins and Needles and Everybody Says Don’t to reveal six unspectacular quirks. There’s a bunch of rules for doing this; pretend I just shared them. Here are the quirks.
- I don’t like banana peels.
- I never noticed that I had particularly shiny hair but now that a bunch of bloggers have commented on it, I feel prideful and like I want to pick fights with people whose hair isn’t as shiny as mine.
- I am so addicted to Diet Snapple that I fear it’s only a matter of time before I start snorting it, smoking it and shooting up with it.
- I think mice are less terrifying than cockroaches.
- I love pie.
- I used to read the end of a book before I started reading it, but I’ve cut back on that.

I don’t like to tag people randomly, but if you think you can be as unspectacular as I am, let me know in the comments and I will announce your tagging with great fanfare. Note to Lady: I know I still have a tag from you to do. But it demands that I think so that might take a while.
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I love pie too! I had it for the first time ever when I was in New York in january and ate it almost every day that week. I really miss it now… ‘pie’ in Australia refers to meat pie, you never really see the american-style fruit pies anywhere. During my pie-binge in New York I decided that I was going to look up recipes and bake pies all the time when I got home, but I still haven’t. sad.
Mmmm pie! Thanks Wendy!
BTW – Love you in the latex leggings and dress. You look gorgeous. x
mmm. Pie. Although #4 (with which I profoundly agree) is affecting my appetite just a bit. Still, I’ll get over it, and then I’ll want some pie.
Check out my January 10th post, “Sweet Quirks O’Mine” over at Warped Viewings if you’re curious.
Pie yes and banana peels are a no for me too. Actually, I don’t like bananas at all.
Your hair is hardly unspectacular!
I love pie, too. What’s your favorite?
Here are my six unspectacular quirks:
1. I sleep on a flat pillow.
2. I like to roll, not squeeze, my toothpaste.
3. I enjoy music from the 80s, 90s, and today.
4. I collected the state quarters until I started to forget to.
5. For Christmas, I like getting an orange in my stocking.
6. I wear cardigans almost every day.
I thought I’d list the quirks here, rather than my site, because I like the symmetry. Oops, unspectacular quirk #7 — I prefer things to be symmetrical.
I am soooo with you on the mouse thing. Mice are lovely, mice are cute….there is nothing, and I do mean nothing, as terrifying as a cockroach in one’s kitchen.
Mice really aren’t terrifying at all…now spiders–yikes!
haha your book quirk reminds me of the line in “when harry met sally”- “i always read the last page of the book first, that way in case I die before I finish it, Ill know the ending” haha
Nice to learn more about you.
You do have shiny hair. And a gorgeous smile too. And I will be hating you starting from now.
i have a tendency to read the end of a book before the rest of it too.. this has ruined too many books for me .
Wendy, shame on you for skipping ahead in books! But I guess your awesome scale tips back up after the pie admission. I can’t stay mad at anyone who loves pie, as I used to be a pie baker myself. Professional.
IYF, if you ever feel like practicing your old skills…….
Everything is less terrifying than roaches.
I like pie and cake and cupcakes and danish and almond croissants and. . .
I get a thank-you letter from the Diet Snapple people every quarter, for keeping their Snapple-elves in business… Diet Raspberry is my particular addiction, which one is yours?