Someone found my blog by searching for “i wondered i am not passing class but i have later i posted?Self-fulfilling prophecies happen”
I’m not really sure what to say about that, but here’s a photo of a dude with prophets tattooed on him.
In other news, bitch is still crazy. I will monitor this situation closely and inform you the minute any normalcy breaks out. Don’t hold your breath.
bwahahahaha…lol. Does normalcy even exist anymore?
That is too weird. The net is NOT the domain for normalcy.
I will consult that man’s back for answers.
wow. that’s a long and involved search query and so obscure that if anyone else ever types it they will end up at your blog now too.
wow. that’s a long and involved search query and so obscure that if anyone else ever types it they will end up at your blog now too.
whoa…that dude is weird… and yet quite amazing at the same time…
who does that long of a goole search? I love searching google for answers…but still.
Oh that’s just NO!!
Making up a fake award in your own name is perfectly sane.
that is awesome. i love fun randomness!
Why does that guy have Dwight Eisenhower on his lower back?
Just kidding.
Wow. Also, I don’t see me anywhere on that dude’s back. Bush league.
pistols should be on that back. He enlightens me more with each post I read.
Perhaps one of these prophets holds the key to the CBHM’s future. I myself can’t get over how she slants every single thing her way–yuck!
how did you find out what someone found your blog from searching.
wow the whole tatto thing is a little much
Altamira…let me think…um, no.
Riz, agreed.
Natasha, let me know what you find out.
Lady, I can’t imagine anyone will EVERY look for that again.
Cotton, definitely.
Renaissance, I know!
Jen, fashion don’t for Glamour?
Iron Chic, I just won an Oscar.
Suzy, it always brightens my day too.
ENC, I was hoping for Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to be lurking somewhere.
PAD, I’ve started a cult around you. We’re going to wear pink strings around our wrists.
Bigglasses, agreed.
Lynette, I think she’s a sociopath.
KiKi, Feedburner and Google Analytics.
that is by far the most unrelated use of words on a google search and yet so specific. aren’t searchers supposed to be a few words not essays??
Aaaaaaah…You’ve seared my retinas with that guy’s back!