My life is now sadly reduced to envying a small plastic pig.
How sad.
Luv Poochie
Poochie, you have NOTHING to complain about after getting the most beautiful shoes in the world!
You have acquired a typical Japanese style of blogging, including shooting your own food (no pun intended).
Say hello to the piggy 🙂
haha! that last photo is high-larious!
haha, so cute.
Miss Janeysays
Bonjour. Looks like une blaste!
I think I just fell in love with iHog! Laduree is the best food store in the entire world.
Fabi Pinasays
how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and don’t be scared about hackers! heehee It was a boy, I know who it was, and he hacked my yahoo which connected to my gmail..etc. lesson learned: do not let all your accounts connect to each other. =) ohh…and don’t use same passwords. the boy is obsessive compulsive and I don’t talk to him no matter what so I had no choice but to get the accounts deleted. 🙁
Wow – I never expected to be so happy to see my pig outside the Louvre. Thanks Wendy! That made my weekend.
Suze's Sasssays
I knew you’d show him a good time. He’ll never want to leave now.
Suze's Sasssays
I knew you’d show him a good time. He’ll never want to leave now.
because im addictedsays
ohh how fun!!!!
next time, just stuff me in your bag so you can take pictures of me in all those amazing places…
have a wonderful trip!!
Jen (MahaloFashion)says
wendy your hilarious i love that you put the pig everywhere I miss Paris so much I’m hoping to go there again very very soon!
Agreed – iHog envy! Enjoy your time ♥
-h of candid coolsays
i really need to try one of those treats in the 1st. ive never had one!!!
and i adore the last picture
Sharon Rosesays
Wendy and i-hog, you are having the best time! i-Hog’s digestion system must be doing somersaults!!
miss cavendishsays
Looks like a wonderful trip! Have you had a crepe on the street yet? The equivalent of the NYC hot pretzel?
Paul Pincussays
we can’t stop laughing. this has got to be in the running for post of the year : )
ps i’ve always been partial to pigs.
Hey lucky world traveller! Love all your pics!
pistols at dawnsays
Tres fantasique!
Somehow, I wrote a sentence with two words that contained 18 errors, because that’s the ability I bring to las lenguas extranjeras.
PARISSS!! my favorite city in the world!! that is such a cute idea bringing the cute little piggy around with you 🙂 i wanted to go to the macarron shop when i was there, they just are sooo pretty, very marie antoinette-ish!
Fernando really knows how to make the scene. Tell him to stay away from that quiche du Jambon! He could be in danger!
Did Fernando go to the Marie Antoinette exhibit with you?
I have a yellow duckie that would really love to be friends with Fernando.
LOL! This is hilarious!
Tam Phamsays
your pics were so cute and funny!! love the one where little piggy was admiring chanel window display!
OH LORDIE! Where have I been…in ole New York Oh poop 🙁 BIG MERCI 🙂
Save some Laudree macaroons for me!
My life is now sadly reduced to envying a small plastic pig.
How sad.
Poochie, you have NOTHING to complain about after getting the most beautiful shoes in the world!
You have acquired a typical Japanese style of blogging, including shooting your own food (no pun intended).
Say hello to the piggy 🙂
haha! that last photo is high-larious!
haha, so cute.
Bonjour. Looks like une blaste!
I think I just fell in love with iHog! Laduree is the best food store in the entire world.
how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and don’t be scared about hackers! heehee It was a boy, I know who it was, and he hacked my yahoo which connected to my gmail..etc. lesson learned: do not let all your accounts connect to each other. =) ohh…and don’t use same passwords. the boy is obsessive compulsive and I don’t talk to him no matter what so I had no choice but to get the accounts deleted. 🙁
Wow – I never expected to be so happy to see my pig outside the Louvre. Thanks Wendy! That made my weekend.
I knew you’d show him a good time. He’ll never want to leave now.
I knew you’d show him a good time. He’ll never want to leave now.
ohh how fun!!!!
next time, just stuff me in your bag so you can take pictures of me in all those amazing places…
have a wonderful trip!!
wendy your hilarious
i love that you put the pig everywhere
I miss Paris so much I’m hoping to go there again very very soon!
Agreed – iHog envy! Enjoy your time ♥
i really need to try one of those treats in the 1st. ive never had one!!!
and i adore the last picture
Wendy and i-hog, you are having the best time! i-Hog’s digestion system must be doing somersaults!!
Looks like a wonderful trip! Have you had a crepe on the street yet? The equivalent of the NYC hot pretzel?
we can’t stop laughing. this has got to be in the running for post of the year : )
ps i’ve always been partial to pigs.
Hey lucky world traveller! Love all your pics!
Tres fantasique!
Somehow, I wrote a sentence with two words that contained 18 errors, because that’s the ability I bring to las lenguas extranjeras.
PARISSS!! my favorite city in the world!! that is such a cute idea bringing the cute little piggy around with you 🙂 i wanted to go to the macarron shop when i was there, they just are sooo pretty, very marie antoinette-ish!
Fernando really knows how to make the scene. Tell him to stay away from that quiche du Jambon! He could be in danger!
Did Fernando go to the Marie Antoinette exhibit with you?
I have a yellow duckie that would really love to be friends with Fernando.
LOL! This is hilarious!
your pics were so cute and funny!! love the one where little piggy was admiring chanel window display!
Where have I been…in ole New York
Oh poop 🙁
SO CUTE! Hehehe!!