After all these years, I still pine for Carrie Bradshaw’s Paris outfit. The Sonia Rykiel giant-flower top was fabulous!
The skirt was beautiful too, but I can’t find a picture of it. Speaking of Sex and the City, I was very annoyed by this article on the movie’s fashion and all of its idiotic and uptight rules for fashion over 40. They include:
- “Do not even think about wearing a wedge or a thick platform.” (Seriously???)
- “Rather than go for a big statement (that Fendi Rasta bag, say), choose a timeless classic. The Hermes Kelly shape has now been copied almost everywhere, even by M&S.” (So I should look like everyone else who buys knockoffs of prestige bags?)
- “Use acid brights sparingly: a clutch and heels in poppy red, say.” (When did red become an “acid” bright? And Nancy Reagan wears red, for God’s sake.)
Here is writer’s ideal look: “She always wears head to toe black, Jackie O shades, flat shoes and hair left long in its natural grey.” That’s great if that’s what you want to wear, and some people make that kind of thing look fabulous. But to me, it sounds like a sad uniform that deliberately downplays femininity, adventure, sexuality, fun … you name it! I’m not dead yet!
I say Lynn Yeager and Anna Piaggi should give the writer a whipping with my latex leggings. Who’s with me?
I hate fashion “rules”! When I’m over 40, I am in no way going to follow them.
Let the whipping begin!
Carrie’s “Paris” outfit has long been one of my favorites, too!
As for “over 40,” the only thing I hope is that I never start wearing pastels. Yuck! Some people can wear them beautifully, but I’d hate to think that I’d become resigned to baby pink, lavender, and powder blue…
(Also, wtf? on the no wedge or thick platforms?)
The stupid writer of that article contradicts herself. Wear an acid color like “poppy” sparingly, all while she hails Samantha Jones as being stylish and sophisticated, and shows her– in head to toe poppy red.
There’s something to be argued about “age just being a number.” Age may represent your physical years on earth, but your personality, body, mind, & spirit have an age of their own. Carrie Bradshaw never has, and never will be “an over 40 year old.” Her energy is too youthful and vibrant for it. Shouldn’t our fashion represent who we are, not how long we’ve been leaving footprints.
And what would this writer have to say to someone like Betsey Johnson?
I loved absolutely everything Carrie was wearing during the Paris episodes.
That outfit was my favourite alongside with the poufy red polka dot dress.
Hopefully the writer of that article isn’t going to watch The Sex and the City Movie.
He or she might be rather schoked by the fashion choices of those stylish over 40 characters.
In my opinion all rules are silly when it comes to fashion.
Style is about making a statement not about following the others.
OMG Wendy: I just did a post on those AA fetish latex today. You only scooped me by, what, a year? And you look fantastic in them. FYI – Not sure if they had the high-waisted ones when you bought them (those are the ones I bought) but they are apparently much better around the waist than the others. K
Woot!!! With you!
I’ll leave ridiculous rules out when styling comes to mind. Isn’t it the rule of thumb that “The first rule to fashion is there is no rule”? Any fashion expert should know this.
I’m not yet 40 but when I’m 40 my style won’t ever be classified as mundane and would make me feel depressed. Like you said before, some people rock it and more power to them but if I chose not to be in that category I’m elegible to be axed? Sheeshhh!
ewww this writer should be prepared for hate mail! yes, there are certain things you should leave behind as you age, but those are none of them! clearly she is polly prude.
Right on! here’s to being not dead yet and trying things out. Screw that article!
What a load of crap! basically fashion is about imagination and doing something DIFFERENT! not these rules. Awesome leggings!
When women always dress like this, they look over 40. My mother is far from a fashionista, but no one guesses her true age because she dreses colorful and chic.
yeah, it’s a stupid article, but it’s the Daily Mail. I think they employ more creative writing graduates than journalism graduates! you gotta take everything they say with several large cups of salt! and I loved every outfit carrie wore in Paris!
Ahh the Paris outfit.
I loved how she saved it forever for the perfect occasion and looked so fresh and put-together even though she just got off the plane.
I’m gonna read that article now so I can get mad.
i’m with you. WTF!
I’m with you all the way. I’m sick of being told what to do, and when I turn 42 (soon), I’ll wear what I want.
lets go find her and hang her by her black prada “flats” I mean who is she better yet lets stick her in a room with ana wintour and see how long she last
To quote the fabulous wendyb:
Wear what(ever) you (f*cking) want!
I took a few liberties, but you get the point.
Loved this post.
Where these people get this stylish rules??? I hate when everyone looks like clones, I think that no matter what age you are, you’re style must say something about you.
Fashion rule
PS I have a pic of Carrie in her hat and coat from that outfit but not the skirt.
My favorite is the coat and polka dot dress. I think the white shoes (Louboutins, I believe) where the turning point for me to becoming seriously addicted to designer shoes.
OMG! I just read that stupid article and WTF???
“It seems that SJP/Carrie is no longer powerful. She is, instead, a victim. “
The big flower shirt? Really? Well, what the hell do I know.
Can I just say something about her though? She is probably the least attractive woman who can manage to be attractive because of her personality and the way she carries herself.
hey there wendy! Great post. And i believe with the rest, age IS a number. By all means, wear sth u feel comfortable in, nomater where, when or what. Thats what fashion’s all about!
What does age have anything to do with it? ok sure a 60 yr old may not have the best toned thighs to wear a mini anymore, but that doesnt mean she can’t dress more fun!
Granny dresses will gain Miz Liz Jones approval then?
So basically she wants everyone to dress from the Victorian era?
Articles like this one fail in credibility when it’s obvious they are written to create controversy and sensationalism. Style comes with individuality. Who is to say a woman of 40+ has to conform to a journalist’s view?
i say “aye”! 😛
I love that Carrie outfit!!
Kick her a**. I’m bored to death with the fashion gestapo.
I say, if you are a woman over 40, just go easy on the tattoos and body piercings, and we are cool.
Fashion rules are fuckin’ laaaaaaame. God, I’m eloquent.
The advice those fashion “experts” give out are always so B-O-R-I-N-G
Miis J agrees. All black all tehtime is for those afraid to take a fashion risk. Or even make a choice.
I plan on wearing latex leggings when I’m eighty. If my grandmother gets away with wearing spandex, I can wear latex leggings.
AGREED! wear what you want when you want. i’ll probably find the sense about me when i’m over 40 to finally wear all the bathing suits i’ve collected. shoot, perhaps some days i’d like to wear them all at once. then again, this is all speculation.
Everytime I see this episode of SATC, when Carrie steps out of the cab and onto the streets of Paris, I always go “wheeeee!” because that is exactly what that moment would probably feel like.
these rules are about as dumb as i expected them to be when i read that following would be rules for fashion over 40.
dumb dumb dumb dumb.
and sad.
i love and adore lynn yaeger though, so then at the end of your post, i felt happy.
ooops, i freaked out on mz. liz and wrote a lengthy reply to her article – i got cut off, as a matter of fact. that was some serious drivel.
Iloved that top and thought that SATC season had the best ensembles. Are you looking forward to the movie? I can’t decide. Some of the outfits look questionable. Love the quip about Nancy Reagan btw. =)
Ah, The Daily Mail…somebody had better tell Carine Roitfeld to get rid of her platforms…and virtually every woman her interesting handbags…
How pretentious is that article! Instead of wearing the recommeded outfit for over 40’s…why doesn’t everyone over 40 just get a tatoo on their forehead stating it?!?!! It’s ridiculous. or maybe all the 40 year olds could go out and buy a “poppy red” acid bright sweater…now that would be really controversial
My favorite comment in the article is about how she isn’t powerful, she is a victim. If a woman wakes up and lives every day in clothes that make her happy, I doubt she feels too victimized.