Terri Berry, my gorgeous sister, was recently reminiscing about my college uniform of Danskin leggings and Hanes men’s t-shirts. She forgot to mention my denim jacket and red Gap cardigan.
With family friends in Stuttgart
Looks like I packed pretty light for that European vacation, eh? I can remember handwashing those leggings in a hotel sink.
aaawwww you look so cute wendy!! you even have ballet flats on. I love oldschool photos, so keep i’m comin!
But you were very “of the moment”, so that’s fine. Can’t help noticing how tiny you were standing in between your friends 🙂
Awww! Cutest Wendy Brandes ever! I want to ruffle your 80s hair and go to the mall with you in matching denim jackets!
You look pretty hot in those leggings, and that is hard to do. I could totally see Vera Wang in that last outfit.
Very chic. I love Hanes Men’s t-shirts, I wear them under everything, though I would never have the guts to wear leggings (and they look good on you too!).
Even though with those photos there is no escaping the era, you do look awfully cute,
Aww I think you look surpringly current actually! Adorable 🙂
Apparently you didn’t have a dark place, back then 🙂 What beautiful pictures, Wendy. K
I was about to say the same thing as Rumi. . . I could totally see myself rocking that exact same outfit. . . ummm tomorrow? I already live in men’s hanes v-necks. . .
Wendy B., that last comment was from me. . . I just forgot that my friend Fonda was using my computer 😉
makes me kind of rethink mens hanes tees
You looked cute. I love photos from he past!
Awesome photos! You look very cute, and not to mention STYLISH! ^^
Ha ha, Becky, we can be the denim jacket gang.
As for whether it looks current, I’m sure you young gals could look great in this outfit — minus the fluffy hair!
are extreeeemely amazing!
Well you look brilliant! I love it.
so have you re-embraced the leggings? and is that a porcelain balcony pooch?
do you think they’ll bring back the leggings with the lace trim?
i thought they were so cool… esp with my babydoll dresses.
UglyE, that was a real live West Highland White Terrier!
wow, you look practically the same! adorable!
Ur so cuuuuuuute! I can honestly say that u havent changed one bit.
Awe so cute. I used to pair my leggings with neon shirts and matching socks. I’m totally thinking about pulling that look out sometime in the near future.
OMG! Love it! I would have thought you were one of the coolest chicks! Heck – you still are! Remember the ones with the lace at the bottom? I kinda miss those 😉