Thank you to all the gorgeous clients who fought their way through a monsoon to come to my trunk show last night. Congratulations to Christine, who won the diamond earrings in the drawing!
Among the pieces sold were:
And there’s even more to be grateful for. My idol, Coco, has a new magazine out and Hollywood Rag has been kind enough to share the ass-mazing photos!
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WTH I don’t check your blog for two days and come back to a million new posts, lol. Glad you’re back…finally! And ha to your last post, I never sound the way people expect my voice to be either.
I need to catch up after more than a week of enforced blog silence! 🙂
When I met Jenn, she seemed awfully quiet and I was wondering if I was boring her or whatever, and finally she said, very thoughtfully, “I expected you to sound different.” I felt bad that I let her down. Sorry, Jenn!
wow that jewelry is stunning! Christine is so lucky!!
The ring is beautiful!! And we don’t really know much about Coco in the UK but I think our equivalent is Jordan…she’s been on Perez Hilton but ass wise I don’t think she’s quite the same!!
The jewelry is drop-dead-gorgeous! I’m so jealous of Christine!
that jewellery is awesome!
those pieces are beautiful! my guy happens to love the bling, so I was curious about whether or not you do men’s jewelery as well? I haven’t noticed any, but maybe you could point me in the right direction?
Love the sunflower ring!
I love the Medici Poison ring, it’s so unusual, I love the hidden compartment.
I’ve seen most of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers firsthand (I was an art thief a few years back), but after seeing that picture of your ring, I must say that the man was an untalented blind hobo by comparison.
And then I stared at CoCo’s ass for quite awhile. I don’t know why I haven’t focused my life on that kind of art treasure.
I super love the poison ring!
Lalaliu — Thank you!
Kate — Jordan used to be my idol, but when I saw Coco, I dropped Jordan like a hot potato. Jordan wishes she was Coco.
Cajuns — Thanks!
Polly — Thanks!
Princes — Yes, I do have some men’s jewelry, including a silver skull ring that hasn’t been photographed yet. What are you looking for?
Chic and Charming — one of my favorites. I was very happy that such a nice person (hi Jen!) got it.
Bronwyn — I’m all about the secret compartments.
PAD — please return those Munch paintings already! Sheesh.
RCT — wait till you see the new ones I’m working on!
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WB, since you sold these items (congrats!), there is now room for the kokoshnik.
First I’ve got to make new versions of what I sold! :-O
Not the Medici, (luckily I laid in a store of them last summer), but nearly everything else.
Congratulations, Miss W. You hit the jackpot!
ENC, it’s just scary having to produce the same pieces again at much inflated prices due to the rise in gold….I can’t even think of what that bill is going to look like. Plus, of course, I am working on new designs as always!
holy FRICK! is that booty for real?
I still heart Jordan!
All of your pieces are gorgeous, but I may have just found my favorite in the Dewdrop Earrings. If only, if only, if only. Sometimes I wish I worked for a company that pays, instead of, you know, a museum.
That poison ring is killer. Perhaps literally if my future husband ever cheats on me (grin)
Yah, what a coincidence to find someone who is as obsessed with queens as I, my personal favourites would be a tie between Mary Queen of Scots and Catherine de Medici. To bad I can’t translate that love into something as beautiful as your jewelry.
P.S. if you want a break from the queens you should check out female pirates, I would love to see Anne Bonney and Mary Read through your eyes and tools.
Rising prices can be intimidating; there’s so much manipulation of the market for materials that go into fine jewelry, as you konw.
Stones alone are preposterously priced, unless you shop on JewelryTV, and then you see Tanzanite being sold for $49 a carat, and who can explain that? (OK, that was a little hyperbole for effect, but you get the picture.)
The special people who want your work will keep finding you . . . don’t worry.
Surely that picture Coco’s backside is photoshopped? at least I hope so.
On the other hand, I dont think I lived until I have a Wendy B poison ring.
BS, wait till you see those Dewdrop earrings in bright green chrysoprase. Those are my favorite version that earring. CJB, I agree, the female pirates would be great. Maybe I will do them sometime soon!Thanks, ENC. And Miss Woo, you most definitely need one. At least a silver one!
Did the ring come with the poison? That’s cool.
i’m so glad you had a good trunk show! where do we get the coco rag?
Oh my, had I the money I would buy those lovely pieces. And Coco is rather unreal…
Wow That sunflower ring is blowing my mind. You are VERY clever.
The sunflower ring is amazing!
Dale, poison is sold separately.
PPIEW, maybe I have to order it online?
TCH, thanks!
Olive and Agraham, so glad you like it. Earrings are coming next!
i love the green amethyst earrings there gorgeous! and that coco is certainly more than an eyeful to take in!
Congratulations! So proud Wendy 😉
Gawd I still love that ring. I don’t think it’s on your website though is it? I didn’t see it the last time you posted a photo of it.
The sunflower? Nope, it’s in my catalog but not on my website yet.