If you live in one of the Super Tuesday states, don’t forget to vote. There’s no excuse not to vote because Buffy the Vampire Slayer is off the air. Some years ago, a woman I worked with went to her disorganized voting place, waited and waited and then left before getting to vote because the new episode of Buffy was on. I thought that was a reasonable decision. If you’ve seen how they organize the voting in New York, you’d pick Buffy too. It’s easier to fight vampires than stupidity.
Speaking of voting, when I was coming home from the gym last night, I noticed a guy carrying a messenger bag with a black-and-white photo button of a woman on it. I wondered, “Why does that dude have a button with Princess Diana on it?” Then I took a closer look and realized it was Hillary Clinton. But that got me thinking about what royal person I’d like to vote for, and it would definitely be Elizabeth I.
As for football, I didn’t watch the Super Bowl, though I did enjoy some wings and nachos with BarbaraB and gorgeous client Brooke. I realized the Giants won when I heard people screaming in the street while I was enthralled with a Law & Order rerun that had a big role for Detective Munch.
The screaming was kind of cool. You know what’s not cool? The shizz people talk pseudo-seriously about Jessica Simpson‘s being a curse on Tony Romo and Gisele Bundchen‘s being a curse on Tom Brady. What the fuck? If those dudes suck at their jobs, why should a woman catch the blame? That is sexist bullcrap. Do you go into the office and blame all your mistakes on your significant other? Like, “Oh, my husband has cursed me, that’s why there’s no toner in the copier today.” Or “That embezzlement? Totally my life-partner’s fault. He has cursed the accounting department.” It’s probably worthless to address jackholes who don’t wash their lucky boxers for months to “help” their teams, but … Grow!Up!
UPDATED TO ADD: I contacted the non-voting Buffy fan to tell her that she was now anonymously famous thanks to me and Fabulous Girl’s Boudoir. Non-voting Buffy fan told me that the next time she was at that polling place, it was much better organized. Could it be because she wrote them a stern letter following her bad experience? If so, she really gets results! I should have her fight my battles with the Evil Empire in the future.
OMG Buffy!!!!! I was so in love with Spike when I was younger (hence the commenting as Dru rather than Blue Floppy Hat, for me :)), and the show was what got me into indie music in the first place (only I didn’t know the term then, and used to say ‘oh, stuff no one’s heard of’)- and who wouldn’t think a punk vampire was hot? I’d pick Buffy over voting, any day. Unless it was one of those situations where mine would be the deciding vote or smething (never happens, in real life), in which case I’d set the recorders.
And re: the quarterback blame thingy, it’s easier for the fans to blame the girlfriend instead of accepting that your idols suck. Phtooey to them, I say.
Yay! Drusilla! I admit I always loved Sprusilla the best, but Spuffy was the next best. They had some sex-ay episodes. I kinda feel like getting out certain DVDs right now!
first of all, yay to the pop-ups!
and when i saw this post i thought of blue floppy hat/ drusilla as well. haha. i miss buffy and to a lesser extent angel. where have all the good tv shows gone?
and unwashed lucky boxers for months are yucky!
WB, it is NEVER useless to rail against foul, skidmarked boxers. During football season this is a national epidemic.
There may be a point to the Jessica gripe, but not similarly to Gisele. Jessica’s dumbfuckednesss might make anyone fumble. It sure makes them zoned out.
Hello Wendy,
I’m visiting from MASALA CHAI , your jewelry line is exquisite. And your posts crack me up 🙂 Great blog !
Man, the chemistry between Buffy and Spike was sooooo real! I WANT!!!
And yeah finally someone addresses the “curse” fact. A sexy lady being a curse on her bf? Whatever! He’s getting more media attention because of the hottie on his arm.
Jeeez stuff like that annoys me.
I think that’s a brilliant idea. All the fashion bloggers should get together for a cyber seance, raise Elizabeth from the dead, and make her president of the world. We could have world peace and fabulous fashion, what more could anyone ask for.
I’m sorry. I’ll stop blaming my husband for the paper jams in the copy machine at work immediately.
I really enjoyed your post 😉
keep the pop-ups, please…
I hate football but I am totally with you on the whole girlfriend = bad luck deal. Everytime I hear something on the gossip or news report, I want to just go out and fight for women’s rights all over again. BS!
Spuffy is soooo much better than Angel and Buffy. That blonde crop, sexy accent…swooonnnnn. Love them!
Is all about superbowl madness there?!
I hate the idea that women can’t date this guys without being the curse of the entire team (what stupids!)
And for Buffy, I just looove the whole Angel drama. That was the sweetest plot ever in the show
And for Darling, I looove Julie Christie but I still can’t find this movie, I swear I will do it soon!
good stuff wendy, good stuff.
as a bystander, I am curious to see how your election turns out.
i love munch too. did you watch “homicide, life on the streets” as well as “law and order”? two of my favorites.
Hi Wendy,
I missed you!
Yeah,Elizabeth 1 was a cool chick!I finally finished all the books that Phillippa Gregory ever wrote and now feel like I am living in Henry the 8ths world!Need to loosen my stays!
With all the crazies running for office,its hard to go vote but being a responsible person its hard to stay away!
On way way to vote!
I’ m a Republican but all I want is the best person to run this country to win.Its not a matter of who has done what the question is who will do what in the future
One more Buffy fan over here! OMG, the Spike/ Buffy romance… I used to wake up at 7 am to catch repeats… which is amazing in hindsight.
Haha, I love you mistook the guys button for one of Princess Diana!
And I agree, I’d go for Elizabeth I over any of the current candiates*
*just don’t quiz me on my little-to-nothing knowledge of US politics!
Yay for Buffy and Spike, I made a point to stay up every Thursday night coz it showed pretty late back then here. And Roy’s so into Sarah MG – he loves the kickass but cutesy qualities haha!
And I’m so with you on Jess & Giselle (even Eva) issue – go soak your heads people!
This is a great post Wendy!
And yes, I was a Buffy addicted too 🙂
you went with pop-ups!
anyway… i didnt vote this morning cuz i had a doctors appt… i swear. and also b/c i havent decided yet. except the indian gaming ballot.
on another note. i miss buffy.
I miss her too! Though I miss Spike the most 🙂
I was a big Darla fan too. She was good and evil.
At my polling place, it’s quite well organized, but the crusty old crones who run the place give me the hairy eyeball for not being in their party. I have paranoid fantasies that they claw through the completed ballot box and root out my ballot, then run it through the shredder.
I think I need to get more sleep, and drink less coffee. I sound paranoid and delusional.
wow you were a busy girl today! i would love to comment on everything, but i’m wiped out from standing in line behind enc and getting the stink eye as well.
btw: now we AREN’t blaming our husbands for sub-par work performance? damn.
” Jessica’s dumbfuckednesss ” is awfully scary. I feel like it grows ore infectious by the day, being around undergrads and all…