The gorgeous Jill at Trendinista did an interview with me. Check out her funny questions here!
Lovely Hebden at Style … a Work in Progress fails to see the beauty of fish feet. For shame, Hebden.
Glamazonian Jenn of In Yr Fshn was kind enough to present both views of my Sophie twisting heart pendant (twist the pendant and it’s a heart, twist again and it’s an oval).
SERIOUS READING FOR TODAY: The New York Times has a good explanation of the turmoil in Kenya. Sadly, it’s not a situation that a pop star or an actress can fix, so I pray that I don’t have to see random celebs traipsing around that disintegrating country for photo ops with displaced children. Because, seriously, I’m sick of that naive shit.
This op-ed column on the concept of free speech is a good one too.
the twist heart pendant is really probably one of my fave. pieces of jewelry i’ve ever seen…
we all expect to see you in more editorials this coming year!
I’d like to see a celeb donate her $15m movie salary to the cause.
That was a great interview, and as always, I love your jewelry.
Agreed on the celebs thing. That stuff makes me nutso. More than usual even!
LOVE the pendant. What a great concept too. Be careful Britney doesn’t steal that one.
Agreed on the celebs thing. That stuff makes me nutso. More than usual even!
LOVE the pendant. What a great concept too. Be careful Britney doesn’t steal that one.
Agreed on the celebs thing. That stuff makes me nutso. More than usual even!
LOVE the pendant. What a great concept too. Be careful Britney doesn’t steal that one.
Thanks @ the interview and jewelry compliments! Jill at Trendinista is quite hilarious. But NO to big donations that don’t help anyone. Unless $15 million buys our way out of decades of tribal clashes/jealousies…but it doesn’t. I’m fed up with people thinking a check or “awareness” can fix complicated social, cultural or political problems. It reminds me of how parents tell their kids to eat up because children in Africa/China/India are starving. How does that help?
Hi Wendy, I’ve been tagged, and now I tagged you because you’re one of my absolute favorits. I don’t know if you continue anything like this, but you can check out the post here:
Great interview!
Yeah, sure, stick me right before Kenya!
Have a great weekend, Miz Brandes…
loved the interview. Mr. Chubbs story is sooo touching.
The new fish feet are the diet version of louboutin’s scary fish shaped shoes.
Interesting interview, and clever answers. I would so totally wear the Zanotti fish feet – absolutely 200%!
Kenya will always hold a dear place in my heart.
I’m all for freedom of speech, so long as I don’t offend others. I can completely take the horse to the river but I can’t force it to drink. I believe in moderation, and people should know their limits.
Interesting, Wendy, well done!
Wow, I guess I blew it that time, suggesting the donation! I guess I was thinking that some celebs get paid so much, and what good do they really do with the money?