The Other Boleyn Girl opens in theaters today. I was reading about the movie on some random website and noticed this in the comments: “Why are they using the Ugly Betty necklace in the Boleyn movie?” Why indeed?
Allow me to explain. Let’s start with a simple image search for “Anne Boleyn.” It will result in multiple links to this famous portrait of her.
That is Anne Boleyn wearing a “B” pendant. “B” stands for Boleyn. Got it? Good! So why does Ugly Betty wear a copy of that pendant? Because “B” can also stand for Betty. I know some of you are thinking, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” But seriously, peeps, I’ve seen questions like this all over teh Internets. Not everyone is gorgeous AND smart like you bitches.
Anyway, fairly inexpensive copies of the Boleyn portrait necklace have been around for years, and an Ugly Betty stylist picked one for the show.
I wear a “B” necklace too. Why? Because “B” stands for Brandes, as in Wendy Brandes. I preferred my initial pendant to stand for my last name rather than my first name, the same as Anne’s necklace did.
© Wendy Brandes 2007-2008
(Photo by John Muggenborg)
In other ways, my necklace differs from the original. I didn’t use any pearls. I also changed the shape and added a crown. I thought the original was pretty fabulous for the 16th century, but I was looking for something a bit more graceful for myself. No offense intended to AnneB.
Oh yeah, and you can order my necklace in any letter you want. You’re not required to get a “B”!
Can’t get enough of Anne? Once again, here are the links to my old posts. (I’ll stop reposting these as soon as I stop seeing stupid questions online. In other words, you’ll never see the end of them.)
My gorgeous sister, Terri Berry, was going to pick up one of the Anne biographies, but I suggested she read The Wives of Henry VIII first. It covers all the basics on Anne and provides more context about the reign of Henry teh 8 than an Anne-centric biography does. That’s my recommendation for anyone looking for some post-Boleyn Girl nonfiction.
Writing about the “B” reminded me of the giant “M” that my photographer John Muggenborg has hanging on the wall of his studio.
It could use some diamonds, don’t you think?
(To buy your own Boleyn necklace, contact me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com.)
wow, I hadn’t noticed about Betty’s “B” pendant until today =L
DiaMonds on the M. By George, I think you’ve got it!
I love your version of the B necklace!
They should have used your version instead! That way when i saw the movie in theatres I could have yelled out “thats wendy B’s necklace, but you don’t know who she is because she’s too fabulous for you”
You should Rickroll them, not just send them to Google-duh site. That’s a more fitting end.
haha are you serious…some one actually thought ugly betty would have so much influence of a historically based movie?? Well you set them straight wendy, and in the process perhaps add some diamonds to the Big M 🙂
What’s all the fuss with the Tudor? They’re everywhere. I’m not complaining, but it’s weird. There must be something behind that.
I liked that nacklace “B”. I want a “M” like that.
kisses sweetie girl!
I still want to see the movie…Natalie Portman rarely disappoints me.
Oh, how I wish the Other Boleyn Girl would be good! But I know deep down that it won’t. I’m glad you are here to educate the people, WendyB!
i think your necklace is by far the prettiest! i tend to use my first name initial rather than my last name though, just because i like how ‘m ‘ looks rather than ‘l’. 🙂
I use my first initial because that’s who i am 😉 But if it makes u feel like a princess to use the last initial, so be it!
WHAT!? really- b can stand for both boleyn and betty!? woah woah woah, mind blowing wendy!
haha just kidding, what idiots
Diamonds make anything better. The big red “m” just cries out for them.
I find it quite amazing. I do so because you managed to make it fit for a Queen yet looking updated. Bravo.
good catch. I also want to know why they think we will stretch are imaginations so far to believe that Scarlett and Natalie could be sisters.
Something tells me the movie is going to suck. One of the reasons is that they didn’t use your necklace. The other reason is that it looks boring as hell.
I say we make our own Boleyn movie starring Jordan as Anne and Coco as Mary. Now that would be interesting.
Just been catching up on your blog – your Queen Min rings are absolutely exquisite!!!
I love Tudor England. But I’ve already told you that! I also love your jewelry, too, but I’ve already told you that, too!
When I firt saw the poster for this movie that’s exactly what I thought.
I like your copy of the necklace too, maybe even better.
I don’t have any B in my name, first, middle or last! I’m on the hunt for a good, solid initial pendant.
I feel like the movie might suck too but I have to see every British History movie out of a sense of duty.
hahahahahahahahahahaha. hahahahahaha. i’m glad i paid attention in my art history classes. the ugly betty necklace indeed. maybe that’s what they will teach kids in a few years.
i’m getting married soon and my last name will start with a B… maybe i should get a B instead of an E.
i cannot wait to see that movie!
I wish I had a B in my name so I could wear one of those. Of course, I am a bitch so that’s close enough. Gimmee!
i think the necklace is beautiful and i love it’s significance.
Can’t wait to see the movie!!
Jello, I would sure love to hear you yell that.
LBIC, you have the best!casting!idea! ever.
Oh Lady, are you going to be “Oh Lady B”? You know, I tried to get my husband to change his last name but he was all stubborn about it.
Prunella, how about a “P”?
Your jewelry is fantastic.I love the skull ring a few posts down.
i think i love that 3rd Paragraph entirely too much!
LOL great post B, my fave part? “(I’ll stop reposting these as soon as I stop seeing stupid questions online. In other words, you’ll never see the end of them.)”
Ugly Betty should be wearing a big “H”, since she’s for Mrs. Clinton..
Nice blog!
These necklaces are FANTASTIC! I love the gold and diamonds version (and the silver is very trendy as well!)
I’m late to the party, but I adore Anne Boleyn’s B necklace, the original. My husband wants to have it recreated for me for our 20th wedding anniversary. I love the pearls close to the neck, the large pearls with the tear drops underneath. She didn’t need a crown, she wore one on her head, when she had it!
Beth, as I’ve said more than once,there are plenty of “museum replicas” of the original pendant online for about $60. That’s where the Ugly Betty producers got theirs. There’s no need to “recreate” a cheap piece that is readily available. That’s why I did something original.