Eek! Is there yet another Wendy Brandes prowling around? I assure you I have nothing to do with this.
Separately, it’s Thursday, yet there’s no Thursday Book Club. I’ve decided I won’t do the book club every Thursday, just on occasional Thursdays. I’m reading a lot of books simultaneously, and I’d rather take my time and give each queen her due. I assure you, the next one is going to be about a kick-ass royal lady AND I’ve designed an amazing piece of jewelry in her honor. Stay tuned!
UPDATED TO ADD: Well, that first link is no longer working (the thread has been removed) and I’ve been accused of spam again. That thread on the “Hypebeast” forum had included a photo of a gold belt designed by “Wendy Brandes Jewelry of London.” I posted back identifying myself as Wendy Brandes Jewelry of New York and asking for more info on this London gal. Instead of information, I got this email. WHAT!THE!FUCK! They thoughtfully attached my message at the bottom so you can see the “spam” I am allegedly guilty of sending.
Dear Wendy Brandes,
You have received an infraction at Hypebeast Forums.
Reason: Spammed Advertisements (FAKES)
banned for SPAM
This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Original Post:
Is there a Wendy Brandes Jewelry in London? Wendy Brandes Jewelry in New York wants to know. And who would waste that much gold on a belt, even as a publicity stunt? :o
I love that belt! Wow. It reminds me of my own golf pyramid belt only mine is not real gold and I won’t have to worry about anyone holding me up for it!
Also, I promise I’ll buy jewelry from you before I buy a belt from some impostor Wendy Brandes!
Wow, are all Wendy Brandes this great? The belt seems nice to have but it’ll be such a hassle with insurance and all, SO I’d rather have your jewelry instead, smaller and definitely carries that understated elegance quality.
What are the odds? Still, that belt is literally worth at least like…seven dollars.
Holy crap! Two Wendy Brandes Jewelry’s? Unlikely. Maybe they just got it wrong accidentally? Or maybe there ARE two…spooky!
Holy crap! Two Wendy Brandes Jewelry’s? Unlikely. Maybe they just got it wrong accidentally? Or maybe there ARE two…spooky!
Holy crap! Two Wendy Brandes Jewelry’s? Unlikely. Maybe they just got it wrong accidentally? Or maybe there ARE two…spooky!
How does this occur? It’s your doppelganger, WB. Only you!
Hooray!!!! Your blog is baaaaack:)
Okay, this is legitimately deserving of the overused “WTF” acronym.
So someone rips your good name to sell a gold belt (WB, you always have the most convoluted episodes; imagine dropping into one without prior knowledge) and then you are given an infraction? For SPAM!
The Spam Police are out to get you, girl. They want to grind you up and make you into cheap, oversalted luncheon spread.
That’s so funny there are so many Wendy’s around.
I want to see the belt in question.
Am I high or are both of your blogs the same? Well, okay I am high but seriously what up with this?
link doesn’t work.
i’m reading “the constant princess” have you already covered this book?
are you coming to az for the super bowl???
your new name is spam-magnet
SM, for reals, yo. They are out to get me.
Katelin, too bad I’m not laughing!
BGG, I will add to this post.
Prunella, you’re high. This is my real blog. I have the other blog as backup for when Google freezes this one again, which will probably happen any minute now.
PPIEW, the forum took that thread (the one I linked to) down after I commented on it. I think I did the Constant Princess in my Katherine of Aragon post.
Welcome back! Sorry all this weird stuff keeps happening to your in the blogosphere!
You must be so jaded by all this by now! Or is it so exciting that you can hardly wait to see what antics the Google people get up to next?
Either way, it’s exciting, isn’t it?
Hmm – that’s odd…nd surely if she was from London, it wld be spelt ‘jewellery’ not ‘jewelry’ LLG xx
lol how come you’re always accused of being a spammer? are you sure there isn’t some sort of conspiracy out there to shut you down?