Due to my long-running latex leggings/shiny leggings obsession, I frequently mentioned Kova & T’s leggings last year.
At long last, someone has satisfied my inquiring mind by trying the leggings and giving them a rave review! Check it out!
NOTE TO BLOGGERS: If you have a photo of yourself in shiny leggings and I haven’t posted about you yet, let me know in the comments.
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pistols at dawn says
The world has informed me that its entire system of justice was enacted solely to prevent there ever being a meeting ‘twixt me and latex leggings.
Cate says
i kind of like latex leggings but i don’t own a pair, and i think you should be wearing something that covers your bottom with them, unlike the woman in the picture.
hebden says
I keep checking these out online…I just wish I could find them in an actual store near me (I hate returning things and these so definitely fall into the “need to be tried because so much could go wrong” category).
Miss Woo says
I’m totally digging those, they are so cat woman.
KreativeMix says
loving the catwoman vibe!!!
annah says
[unrealted to this post…]
wow! i hadn’t realised you were a jewellery designer !
your designs are amazing..i ADORE the apple necklace in the Eden collection…
Susie Bubble says
Kova & T have been getting SO much press in the UK lately…kind of sick of all this talk about the label… however, I have also heard many good things about these leggings…. I may invest and investigate…
WendyB says
Cate, agreed.
Hebden, returns also make me anxious. That’s why I’ve done a lot of talking about latex without a lot of buying.
Miss Woo and Kreativemix: Catwoman is a great villain but Ursa would kick her ass.
Annah: Thank you very much!
Susie: I would be very excited to see your Kova & T leggings photos!
jennine says
that suit needs a lampshade.
Beth says
I believe I’m banned from latex leggings. Old age sucks.
WendyB says
Jennine: What DOESN’T need a lampshade? Now that I think of it, I believe I have a picture of my sister (Terri Berry) sporting a lampshade. I will have to search for it.
Beth: You better not be five years younger than me and saying that.
The Clothes Horse says
With your obsession with latex and strategically placed bows, one would think your jewelry not the type for typical body placement! Latex certainly is catching on in popularity, perhaps due to your one woman promotioning?
WendyB says
TCH: I did recently get a visitor who was searching for “vulva jewelry.” That’s a whole new market for me!
bronwyn says
Woah! Even if I did have a body like that, I don’t think I’d ever dare to venture out in public in that, not in my wildest dreams. The ordinary latex leggings are great, but I don’t know if I’d even be brave enough for them even with a skirt over.
Mad Munkey says
Those are HOT. *sizzle*
PinkPiddyPaws says
I would LOVE to send you a picture of me in latex leggings! Sadly… the problem is that everyone always mistakes me for a sausage in a casing and that’s just murder for my self-esteem. ha..ha.ha…! 🙂
Aretha says
Hey Wendy! I’ve done the tag post that I promise, check out my blog!!!
BTW, this girl looks so Catwoman with that latex leggins
riz says
Wendy I have consistently said these rock, and its high time they get the attn they deserve. This should also be the Year of Latex leggings…
Unfortunately One of my girlfriends had to point out to me that you can get a really unpleasant feminine infection from wearing them…
bigglassesgirl says
caught a bit of ugly betty…was that your B necklace I saw?
sid says
She looks good in look in those leggings but what about women who are slightly bigger?
Suzanna Mars says
Riz: UGH-a-rific!
Here’s to a yeast-free year in latex leggings. WB leading the parade, of course!
Christine says
haha…that would be the ultimate high/low mix…vulva. jewelry.
Monikapolitan says
ohh my, is that the urban outfitters model, if so..I LOVE her. I bought some from urban months ago and sold them on ebay, they fit too big for my chicken legs but i would definitely by them if i found the right fit!
GlamaRuth says
Ha1 You crack me up. Thank’s for commentign on my blog – I’ve been practicing with cameras and tripods, so I will soon have a latex (well, latex-look – they’re from AA)legging pic posted for you. Maybe even with suspenders, just so we can see if it works with that dang waistband!
Asudem Latex says
still they aren’t real latex now are they? 😉
sadly still waiting on an iou for a free pair of latex leggings from a UK designer who is now experimenting with semi transparent smoke coloured latex – think classic nylons in density/shade and thats it in latex!!!
his line will be chlorinated which means that they won’t need any talc at all to get into the. shining up is optional. my skinny jeans and my light pink tights are done this way and it means there’s no complex ritual in getting them on.
i’ll do another entry on my pink libidex tights at the one month mark.