Holy Coco’s ass, people! You’ve come to the right place if you want to learn how to dress your Chinese dog like Ian Curtis in Kova & T latex leggings, Kanye West sunglasses, and an Anne Boleyn necklace. However, I cannot confirm whether Kelly Valen wears J. Crew sweaters.
*Dedicated to my most popular search terms and the people who search for them.
UPDATED TO ADD: It’s cold in NYC today, so thank God for hot Coco! I noticed that the capitalization of the second “C” in “Coco” is starting to be accepted everywhere, but I’m not into it. If I get to meet and worship her in person, I will certainly discuss this with her.
Cocos ass still cracks me up(no pun intended)
Oh, Bunny, I believe that pun WAS intended!
No rude jewllery searches? darn. and I’m looking forward to more Coco’s posts to year 2008, hehe.
Thank you for the comments.
You have some gorgeous jewelry on here :D!
What’s happening in New York that everyone is leaving? Did you say something?
i see you are expanding your lanes to accomodate your influx of traffic… pretty soon your highway will be as big as Coco’s ass!
You crazy girl you 😀
Good point, Suze! Come back, peeps! I didn’t mean that rude thing I said about your crappy haircut! Well, I did mean it, because it looks terrible, but your hair will grow back!
Haha, that’s hilarious.
Oh camel toe that is bad traffic, I hate traffic!
How do you find out what people searched to get to your blog? I always wanted to know but never found out..
Google Analytics, Feedburner, Sitemeter…I’m sure there are more options too.
This is way better than mine, which are like 98% searches for herpes and “how to get rid of an unwanted man.”
Thrilled, I’m thrilled that you appear to be back up to par. No, I’d say way-over-par, and I mean that in the best way ever, WendyB. Nine links in one post! That’s like, well, an entire starting line-up for a baseball team. Who’s on first? Surely Coco’s at catcher ’cause she’s one limber woman.
Nope, Portland’s still home. Glad to see (and not surprised) that you know you Snoopy!
Are you in NYC… I would love to go to the New Jersey Turnpike… isn’t that what inspired Springsteen to write “Livin’ in America”…?
Pls come to my main blog gledwood2 and tell me y/n I am dying to know
I thougth this must be true as it came on bbc radio…
Yeah 9 links in 1 post. WTF??! Wonder woman blogger…