I loved this vintage dress when I saw it from the front …
…. but I ADORED it when I saw it from the back!
UPDATED TO ADD: This under-the-boobs, red-white-and-blue bow made my heart skip a beat! It’s very French Revolution, non?
Never Is the Next New Thing
oh wow, I honestly LOVE it…
I saved the pictures in hopes of getting something custom made like that when I got to China this summer!
and I am VERY interested, please photograph the fringed puffer jacket, pronto!
I love butt bows!
i didn’t like butt bows for a long time, but recently, i’ve been coming around to the look. this dress is gorge!
🙂 D
ooooh I love decades.
such a pretty little butt bow
Oh my…that’s one amazing dress!
That dress is YOU, WB. I think you should only dress in gold and bows. But the problem of the diadem….how large should it be?
Well, that is the eternal question, Suzanna Mars.
you must have that dress! or at least go try it on and have the nice sales girl take a picture of your butt.
And get this, PPIEW! The arm things are removable! Kink-ay!
Ive seen window displays from this store before. I can’t remember, is it in New York?
Ive seen window displays from this store before. I can’t remember, is it in New York?
Ive seen window displays from this store before. I can’t remember, is it in New York?
^^LA. The downstairs part, with the windows, is recent resale/consignment, and the big vintage gowns are upstairs. My original butt bow dress is from there.
bizness in da front, par-tay in da back! decades is da bomb, yo!
This is really awesome!
You better have bought that dress.
decades is shopping heaven and i’m in agreeement with your comments…this dress is so you!
and best part about this dress.. those arm warmers would make awesome leg warmers!
forget about american apparel’s gold lame tights when you have these babies in the sock drawer!
Wendy, noooo! Please don’t do the butt bow! I do adore the grey boots though! yummy!
Butt Bow rhymes with Uh-oh.
Butt Bow rhymes with Uh-oh.
Butt Bow rhymes with Uh-oh.
Shoe bows beat butt bows 😛
The vintage dress with the bow in the back is absolutely beautiful. I love stuff with such a classic feel.
Love the gold dress! But the French revolution thingy is, how can i put this lightly…
lets just say u wont be on any best dressed list anytime now..
Okay I’d like to inform you that they officially use the term “butt-bow” in the film 27 dresses…
bows bows bows i have a dress with the beeest bow on the butt i must post it sometime just for you!