Oh how gorgeous! You could give a serious beat down with that. And I bet it would leave a mark! “With this ring, I thee Brand-es”… Loves it!
Hey very nice! Glam-rock!
Practically Perfect In Every Waysays
i love love love love love that ring!!!!! can you send it to me to just try on. I’ll send it back if it doesn’t get lost in the mail!
you are a true artist my dear.
The photo makes it look as if it is blessed by God! Are general holiness and miracles included?
Blue Floppy Hatsays
Wow, that is one serious ring. Imagine being punched by a woman wearing that…but I like the fact that the metal is a bit dull. Makes the whole thing seem cooler somehow.
Wow! I have to add this to my Christmas list!
Oh, it is really pretty!
It’s beautiful. An excellent jewelry designer and snarky blogger. Will you marry me? Well, just send the ring as a committment ring and we’ll figure out the rest later.
pistols at dawnsays
That is nice. It reminds me of a gauntlet, and it would help me take down people when I slap them with my gauntlet to challenge them to a duel.
i really like this ring even though it is rather bulky it somehow still manages to be chic
Chic and Charmingsays
That is some serious bling!
GG, ha! Why didn’t I think of that. Lynn, thanks! PPIEW, it’s on its way…dropped it in the mail. Daddy, the miracle of beauty is included with all of my pieces. Floppy, I usually do a matte finish on my pieces. Iheart and Calleth, I’m glad you like it! Suze, are you on one knee? PAD, I encourage violence whenever and wherever possible. Coco, phew! C&C, yep, this is the real thing.
All peeps: Maybe it was a little naughty of me not to say upfront that this is my very own personal ring. Hee!
Carolina Langesays
This ring is really amazing! Wow!
La Belette Rougesays
That is one brilliant, diamondy mandala of fabulousness.
Jen (MahaloFashion.Com)says
I’m backkkkkk hehhee don’t know if I could wear that ring it does look heavy as hell but it sure is cute!
You are soooooo naughty! I am weeping with want.
why oh why wasn’t this around when i was in need of an engagement ring? it is be-a-u-tiful.
(i replied to you on my blog but posting it here in case you don’t see) I spied the window of Juicy Couture the other day and I totally thought of you because they have huge red bows on the chests of the mannequins! I should have shot a photo but I was on my way to Starbucks in a desperate rush. I thought it would make you laugh. If they’re still up when I go by again, I’ll take a phot for your blog!
Oh that is so pretty.
roller coaster teachersays
Oh yummolicious!
If anyone tries to steal the ring, you can knock them out with it!
Oh how gorgeous! You could give a serious beat down with that. And I bet it would leave a mark! “With this ring, I thee Brand-es”… Loves it!
Hey very nice! Glam-rock!
i love love love love love that ring!!!!! can you send it to me to just try on. I’ll send it back if it doesn’t get lost in the mail!
you are a true artist my dear.
The photo makes it look as if it is blessed by God! Are general holiness and miracles included?
Wow, that is one serious ring. Imagine being punched by a woman wearing that…but I like the fact that the metal is a bit dull. Makes the whole thing seem cooler somehow.
Wow! I have to add this to my Christmas list!
Oh, it is really pretty!
It’s beautiful. An excellent jewelry designer and snarky blogger. Will you marry me? Well, just send the ring as a committment ring and we’ll figure out the rest later.
That is nice. It reminds me of a gauntlet, and it would help me take down people when I slap them with my gauntlet to challenge them to a duel.
i really like this ring even though it is rather bulky
it somehow still manages to be chic
That is some serious bling!
GG, ha! Why didn’t I think of that.
Lynn, thanks!
PPIEW, it’s on its way…dropped it in the mail.
Daddy, the miracle of beauty is included with all of my pieces.
Floppy, I usually do a matte finish on my pieces.
Iheart and Calleth, I’m glad you like it!
Suze, are you on one knee?
PAD, I encourage violence whenever and wherever possible.
Coco, phew!
C&C, yep, this is the real thing.
All peeps: Maybe it was a little naughty of me not to say upfront that this is my very own personal ring. Hee!
This ring is really amazing! Wow!
That is one brilliant, diamondy mandala of fabulousness.
I’m backkkkkk
don’t know if I could wear that ring it does look heavy as hell but it sure is cute!
You are soooooo naughty! I am weeping with want.
why oh why wasn’t this around when i was in need of an engagement ring? it is be-a-u-tiful.
(i replied to you on my blog but posting it here in case you don’t see)
I spied the window of Juicy Couture the other day and I totally thought of you because they have huge red bows on the chests of the mannequins! I should have shot a photo but I was on my way to Starbucks in a desperate rush.
I thought it would make you laugh. If they’re still up when I go by again, I’ll take a phot for your blog!
Oh that is so pretty.
Oh yummolicious!
If anyone tries to steal the ring, you can knock them out with it!
You’re quite the forward-thinker, Wendy!
wait, you don’t even have my address.
me likey!
This ring is fabulous!!!
wow, the bling!
it’s gorgeous!!!
Bring on the bling Wendy!
Love it!
It’s wonderful!