More flower molestation!
Hey, that outfit was the shizz in 1992! Don’t judge!
UPDATED TO ADD: Check it out! Special spam haiku in my honor! Nadine T. Bartley is going to love this!
UPDATED AGAIN: Damn! Who is the bitch who failed to invite me to the I Am Legend premiere last night? Identify yourself! You cost me an opportunity to meet my idols.
actually FM that outfit is scheduled again for spring 2009, so you are ahead of things.
is it innapropriate to take a monster in your pants out for drinks just to see where it leads?
Is that a magnolia you’re smiling so beside?
And who would have the monstrous gall
To judge your outfit, shoes and all?
Of all the places for the monster to hide
He smiled and picked your pants, after all.
Couldn’t resist–the haiku sort of inspired me to make a poetic effort in my comment.
And you do realize, of course, how difficult those shorts were to wear? Imagine how many retail unfortunates waddled around in those, slumpy knees exposed to all mankind, thankful when the trend was over. Like me.
here in tokyo you would be flogged for the flower bending and pants.
It’s still a nice magnolia…and I’ve ended up being e-yelled at for daring to call someone a copycat. What would you do if someone from Macy’s came along and told you off about the Jennifer Meyer post?
That is a huge flower! LOL – love your flower molestation pics. 🙂
actually yeah those shorts are very hard to wear!
That flower could hold its own–it is after all–bigger than your head. No flower abuse. Flower appreciation!
PPIEW, in this case, the monster WAS my pants.
Lynette, a poet AND a photographer! Very impressive.
Suzanna, I think it’s not too late for the Gap to be punished for creating those.
GeorgeB, you’ve confused Japan and Singapore!
Blue Floppy, I left a comment for you. And unless it was Jennifer M. saying, “You dumb bitch, that IS my piece” I can’t say I’d be very impressed with anyone’s complaints.
Lady N, people were lining up to take pictures of it.
Riz, horrifying, ain’t it.
Weasel, true, I think that flower could beat a bitch’s ass.
Way to inspire poetry! You’re kind of like Helen of Troy that way, but tell all the warring Greeks to keep it down outside my house, some of us are trying to sleep.
Is it wrong that every time I see your picture I start humming Martika’s “Toy Soldiers”? Are you guys cousins?
Valerie, for a minute I was terribly offended and then I realized I was confusing Martika with Katrina of Katrina and the Waves.
PAD, I’ll those dudes to get back inside the Trojan horse. Ooh! I said Trojan. Heh heh heh.
I’ll TELL those dudes, I mean.
you are tooo cute! where are you with the attacking…err…ginormous magnolia?
The angry and hungry magnolia was last spotted in DC, eating a small child.
Wendy: thanks for the comment, it was really nice of you to actually come over and leave it.
Somehow I’ve always thought magnolias were smaller, though…what did the gardeners feed that one? I can’t think of anything else that might look pretty despite being ginormous.
You rocked the 90’s better than a lot of people I knew. I have an almost identical picture! (Late 90’s, so not quite as long shorts & heels)
Thank you, Jenn. I am still horrified by the photo AND how clearly I can remember the outfit. Floppy,the gardeners fed that magnolia squirrels and low-flying pigeons, with a Miller Lite chaser.
Hahaha your outfit is not so out, it’s gonna be back next season, i’m sure… That big flower is so lovely, you could wear it like Carrie Bradshaw on you jacket
Hihi, I like a lot that you recover vintage pictures. I am not sure about the name of the flower in English, but I love those ones.
I have a magnolia like that flowering in my garden right now!
Got to get me some of those pants.
Lady J., I believe you can find a pair of those pants in Fashion Hell.
Good idea for a post – “What Can Be Found In Fashion Hell?”
I nominate ugg boots…
How have I never been here before??? I love this place!
That outfit WAS the shizz – I had it, myself.
And Patricia Field has clearly rifled through your photos, as that mammoth flower is on Carrie Bradshaw’s shoulder, attached to a dress, in the SATC movie. I’ve seen photos.
TG, I will never tell anyone that you had that outfit. Don’t worry! Your secret is safe with me. Patricia Field tried to put that flower on “Carrie” but it got angry and ate them both.
spam in your honor: my pleasure. honestly, when you asked for haiku spam on the subject of “a monster in your pants,” i didn’t really think i would have a message like that in my spam folder from which to compose a poem. the fact that there were TWO messages about the monster-in-pants is definitely frightening. . . p.s. you’re adorable in the photo
LMAO Coco is your idol?!
well, i must say that outfit is pretty good. And I really mean it!
haha i think it looks simple and sweet. The colors are definitely cute!