I enjoyed this story about Rose, India’s first transgendered late-night TV talk show host. Go on with your bad self, Rose! As I recently mentioned, one of my 15 personalities is three-year-old boy who is really a girl trapped in a boy’s body. Sweet’ums, as he likes to be called, was thrilled about Rose. But then the personality who is a 36-year-old, electric-guitar-playing, blindingly-white-toothed, hairsprayed minister of a megachurch gave Sweet’ums the beatdown. I hate it when that happens. Especially because Minister JimBob picks up transgendered hos whenever his wife is out of town! Hypocrite! “Dude looked like a lady” is a weak excuse, Minister JimBob!
UPDATED TO ADD: Post #300!
hey now i’m worried about sweet’ums. he know to never be around rev. pervypants alone right???
i believe the children are our future, teach them well and tell the rev to stay away….
i wonder if the cover of Paris Vogue is soon in the works for Rose…
What a very interesting story!
Pity people like Rose. I’ve watched a documentary about them on Discovery and people do treat them bad… Well, peace for all, especially THE desert rose.
This story is very interesting. I wish I had satellite tv in my halls of residence!!
So funny that both you and I wrote about roses today. Great minds think alike!!
Trannies are big in India and Brazil..
Go figure
Is it because the women are so beautiful there?
I can’t even… no words. Happy 300!
You’re a little crazy. I like it!! 😉
Oh, for shame on those who are not thrilled with rose. Sweet’ums has grand taste.
Ooooh, I would love to see this show!!
that was a very peculiar post to celebrate the big 300, amusing none the less=)
Sweet’ums has now added a decorative sari to his Christmas list. Go Sweet’ums!
And go Rose!
Sweet’ums has now added a decorative sari to his Christmas list. Go Sweet’ums!
And go Rose!
Sweet’ums has now added a decorative sari to his Christmas list. Go Sweet’ums!
And go Rose!
Hi, WendyB! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.
(Your Amazing Bosom post cracked me up! ;D)
Cheers from Boston!
Damn, I’m just out of range of that channel…and I don’t think I’d have been able to understand more than one word in five since I don’t speak Tamil.
See what happens? Those minister types screw it up for everbody! heh.
Hey, thanks for the visit and for the comments on my birds blog. I spent all morning taking 600 photos of a different hawk. Will post some pics tomorrow.
Congrats on hitting 300 so early in your career! Time to take it easy, get involved in a huge contract dispute, and spit on a few fans!
What a cool story! Very interesting…
But congrats on post numbah 300!
I had’ nt heard about this.India has progressed!Though transgender people are considered lucky or a good omen and are invited to sing when children are born,weddings etc.