An Aerosmith song has been stuck in my head for three days now. No matter where I go or what I do, “Dude Looks Like a Lady” is going through my mind. At the dentist being interrogated about my flossing habits? “Dude Looks Like a Lady!” At a jewelry wholesaler paying $10 million for three pairs of 14K gold earring backs? “Dude Looks Like a Lady!” Damn you, Steven Tyler! Damn you, the scarves tied to your microphone stand, your luscious lips and your actress daughter who didn’t know you were her daddy for a really long time.
At one point, I thought, “Let’s think of something else, anything else, to distract us from this song.” Yes, I have started thinking in the royal plural. Okay! That’s a lie. I’m really addressing my 15 other personalities, including the 3-year-old boy who feels he’s a girl stuck in a boy’s body. He likes to be called “Sweet’ums.” Anyway, in my desperate search for a distraction, I came up with, “Agathe has a pet pig.”
And you know what that led to? A couple of hours of singing, “Pig looks like a lady!” to myself.
Did you think that I wouldn’t share this joy with you? Think again, bitches!
UPDATED TO ADD: Speak of the devil!
wow, you suck! now everyone that reads this is singing…. well you know.
$10 mil for 3 earing BACKS? please ellaborate, i don’t even need that much do do my wendy b catalog shopping (9.5 would be fine)
hey i think my inner 5 year old harley, the labrador, knows Sweet’ums, they go hot air ballooning in Milan every year after the fashion shows.
Okay, maybe $10 million is a little bit of an exaggeration. But the $25 I really paid was almost as outrageous!
ok, possible exaggeration.
maybe this will help your dude looks like a lady problem (i was stuck with it last week) sing as george micheal “last christmas i gave you my heart, the very next day you gave it away. this year… hum hum hum i’ll give it to someone special”
chew on that, it’s delicious
Oh shizz, now I’m singing, “Last Christmas, I gave you my… PIG! PIG! PIG LOOKS LIKE A LADY!”
your MOM looks like… a lady…
erm. my inner twelve-year-old boy failed at that one.
HOWEVER. it is necessary, i feel, that in light of your fishfeet fetish and the backbow trend, you own a pair of these.
oh my… that cover gives a whole new meaning to Daddy Likey!
And look who was in the video, Teresa Barrick, ex-wife of, wielding that jackhammer while Steven wields some bad acting.
Aerosmith was the first concert I went to. I won’t say when.
Hysterical, WB!
lol at dorkas comment.
And psh thanks alot, lol
watch me start humming it tomorrow, grr
it’s sort of a great song though, first time i listened to it was in “Mrs. Doubtfire”, greatttt :shakes fist: now i wanna go and see that
AHAHAHA. i love his scarves on his microphones!!!
she is so beautiful…and the picture is very provocative…hehehehe
a kiss 😉
great post!
Agathe would have a pet pig, and great hair, and great style, and a great blog…
not jealous!
I always thought that song was about Klinger on Mash? Because it sounds like he’s singing M*A*S*H! M*A*S*H! Dude looks like a lady!
Has this magazine cover had the same photo pixie dust sprinkled on as the Faith Hill example? or is that man getting hotter!?
He is my quintessential proof that one does not necessarily have to be good looking to be SEX-AY.
I had forgotten how many crotch thrusts he peppered throughout the vid – impressive- we must have been too disgusted with the “gloved one” grabbing his crotch to complain.
~Mia – who has more problems trying to remember things than I do getting songs out of my head. Most recent example : couldn’t remember name of disfigured lovable guy in Goonies – Sloth, BTW.
Thought this post might be a good time to ask, does anyone think Sarah Jessica Parker and Dee Snyder may be related?
Another question for Wendy. Do you get a tax break on all of the multiple parts of your self? 🙂
Here’s a question worth pondering: Do you think that before Liv Tyler found out that he was her dad that she had been attracted to him?
He’s kind of dirty hot, you know?
Your posts always make people face their deepest freudian feelings!
that picture is a bit incestual looking, but the pig is cute:)
Now I am thinking about Mrs. Doubtfire… I want to put on a fake belly and boobs and go dance with my vacuum!
Oh, wait… hee hee.
AppleV, what is going on with your blog?
You’re an evil, evil woman 🙂
Hahaha you freak. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting that damn song in my head now. And that image of shriveled yet still rocking the pirate look, nasty Stephen Tyler in there too. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Hahaha you freak. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting that damn song in my head now. And that image of shriveled yet still rocking the pirate look, nasty Stephen Tyler in there too. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Hahaha you freak. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting that damn song in my head now. And that image of shriveled yet still rocking the pirate look, nasty Stephen Tyler in there too. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Suzanna, I thought Steven’s expression of horror, complete with the hand gesture, was worthy of an Oscar.
Dorkas, if the shoes combined butt bows AND little teeth, I’d be all over them like a cheap slut. Suit! Like a cheap suit.
I clicked on the You Tube link but immediately regretted it! Here’s my personal secret for “unsticking” a song from my head. I sing “Losing My Religion” by REM. I have no idea why, but it erases the nagging song that’s stuck in my head, just like that.
Wow, thanks for getting that song stuck in my head now! Also, I saw Steven Tyler shopping in the store where I work not too long ago and I was tickled to see I’m taller than he is! Ha, ha!
Miss J used to LOVE her some Aerosmith. She has seen them four times. All so long ago it feels like another life. As for dudes who look like ladies, Steve Tyler lives in a glass house. A little more plastic surgery, and his womanly transformation will be complete.
I agree with In Yr…
hillarious! And now that song will surely be stuck in my mind. After seeing Aerosmith in concert, I can certify that Steven Tyler is skinnier than his fluttering-scarf microphone stand.
And we all deserve to use the royal “we” sometimes-especially if it helps get a song out of your head.
I used to have a blog with Steven Tyler’s youngest daughter. All three girls are inexplicably well-adjusted, especially considering their dad is… well, he’s in a Rolling Stones cover band.
wendy i think your secretly evil…you have that “im so innocent smile” and then make everyone around you sing dude looks like a lady, and suffer your pain too
Shaz, you are welcome to sing the alternative “Pig looks like a lady” version if you like.