Blog #1 (ahem! mine!), Dec. 3: “But the dark side of Greek life, and of any organizations that deemphasize individual rights in favor of the “common good,” is groupthink, hazing and the exclusion of outsiders, rebels and accidental troublemakers. Feel free to reread Lord of the Flies.”
Blog #2, Dec. 4: “And then, she was exiled from her sorority, in one of those evil gossip campaigns orchestrated by that sort of female groupthink that makes Lord of the Flies look tame…”
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OK — now I’m going to have to read this Modern Love article and bash my head against a wall. Thanks a lot!
I hope her therapist has some extra time for her this week.
Wow – coincidental. I never really paid that much attn. to Modern Love before your post, but I will now.
(Incidentally, I hope I haven’t offended you in some way 🙂
I still say, good luck to Kelly Valen. Those women were heinous and hopefully, putting her story out there will help her move past her distrust of women.
Also, I hope she reads this from the following page:
“Valen might also consider that being dissed by a bunch of alleged Laura-Ashley-wearing crypto-sportfuckers should not be a tragedy. It should be a badge of honor. I once read something somewhere (sorry, no idea who it was by) which said “Making certain kinds of enemies is a sign that you’re on the right track and God loves you.”
Oh, Moira! Don’t do it! you’ll be sorry! And, no, Riz, of course not. I wish Kelly Valen luck too. But more than that, I wish for no more personal essays from her!