I am delighted to report that gorgeous blogger Strawberry Kitten has made my latex-obsessed day by wearing some shiny leggings from H&M.
How cute! I don’t know if I should be saying that because she looks so young. What if she is 12 years old and I get busted for statutory complimenting? Oh noes! Officer, I thought she was 18! I swear!
In other blogging news, I met the talented, gorgeous and definitely legal Altamira tonight. The poor man found himself in the midst of a small spontaneous party of drunk people he didn’t know. He was very brave about this and didn’t run away. Of course, he couldn’t run away because I chained him to a bar stool, but whatevs! I got to ask him about how he takes his street style pictures. It’s very hard work! He has to stand outdoors for hours, stalking attractive people. Now I feel extra-guilty for complaining about the difficulty of writing my Book Club posts while maintaining my busy stalking schedule. At least I get to do both activities indoors.
I was going to rush home and put up a photo from tonight but I realized that since Altamira is the photo expert, I should leave that to him. I mean, how annoying would it be if he ran home and wrote a big post about Empress Wu before I could?
So keep an eye on Altamira NYC to see my jacket that is either so-bad-it’s-good or so-bad-it’s-really-really-bad. I haven’t decided what category it falls into yet, but there is a bow in the boob region, so it can’t be all terrible. I bought that jacket because of Susie Bubble; if you don’t like it, go complain to her! Seriously, the complaint department here is closed, bitches.
UPDATED TO ADD: Ooh. More shiny.
wendy. look at what I found on face hunter
Can’t wait to see you and your bow on Altimira. Question: Will the Madonna bow/headband look or the low ponytail bow look come back in ’08? (Can you tell I went to high school in the 80’s?) I can’t imagine it. But I didn’t see leggings coming back in ’07, so what do I know.
I’m 22 so don’t bother ;)… I’m really happy, you like my style and thanks for mentioning me in your blog!
So true! I have a lot of teens write to me and it’s like, “can I sign the email with XO, or will that constitute too much familiarity with an under-18?” As for the boob-bowed jacket, I can’t wait to see it!
By the by, I just wrote something which might get both D & G and Bergdorf’s on my case. If I disappear, you’ll know what happened. Wish me luck. Changing my identity and running off to Mexico.
I feel like I’ve been away for a month! I can’t wait to see the pics though I’m sure–as always– you rocked the latest fashions.
SK has done those leggings well with that mustard coat. She’s too cute. Am going to add her to my blogroll–if not for you, WB, I’d not have known about her!
Um…I’ve worn the same jeans for almost four months straight. Does that get me any kind of fashion award?
I’ll see if there’s a category for “Smelliest.”
my leggings would sort-of fit in with your obsession, no>?
Did you end up purchasing anything from shopcaravan? It was my first day after my exams, so I basically slept through it.
Hola Wendy! “I met the talented, gorgeous and definitely legal Altamira tonight.”
Muchas gracias! It was a pleasure chatting with you too. I liked learning about the details as to how your jewelry pieces are crafted,
stone-by-stone in a meticulous order…as well as lighter stuff like pigs in Norway and stories about Berlin’s Four Seasons 🙂
I hate these latex tights/leggings, but I’m sure there are people out there who wear it beautifully and in a stilish way (like the girl on the pic). You shouldn’t look for excuses to wear what you like, go for it!!
I really like this outfit, esp. the scarf.