My dearest friend Monika is going away for a whole month and leaving me bereft!
I recently visited her in the ‘burbs and she forced me to meet her at a corner restaurant with a terrible pun for a name.
I punished her by letting a hairy purple jacket chew her shoulder.
I might sue her ass for abandonment.
(Monika, it’s not too late to change your mind!)
Might I suggest that the very tactile-ness of the hairy purple jacket should prove helpful in the time of Monika’s absence. When you get to pining so for her, take hold of that hairy jacket, rub the fabric between our thumb and forefinger and, in your mind, reply memory after memory of your fun times together. I just have a good feeling about this, WendyB. You’re gonna make it!
I have the best idea: I will come live in NY with you for a month and distract you from your Monika void! I will tell lots of jokes and get chewed up by jackets and it will be great fun! Maybe we can even find a restaurant called Pleth Ora, even though that doesn’t make any sense!
Lynette, I would take your advice but that thing is irritable and hungry and I’m a little scared to touch it right now. DLB, I look forward to your arrival! Pleth Ora is actually my local pub. The name is Gaelic for “too many pint of Guinness.”
I love the fact that clicking on your pics takes me to all kinds of crazy weird ass places.
Thanks for the daily journey into funland! Although, I am sorry for your (temporary) loss.
Are there any Hallmark cards for that?
This makes me sad! Good luck, Wendy, with the separation anxiety.
Don’t sue her for abandonment–kidnap her before she has a chance to run away!
And you’ll always have the…Cornercopia to remind you.
Isn’t it awful, the space that people leave when they go away?
You should hold your breath until she agrees not to go. Really, it worked for me when I was two.
Also, the only friends I have that have to go somewhere for a month is either rehab or jail. Let’s hope that’s not Monkia’s reason.
I like pun-based names for stores. When I lived in LA, I drove to work every day past “Lawrence of La Brea” and “Merchant of Tennis,” and that brought me no small amount of joy because I am a simpleton.
I know it’s hard, but a month goes by so fast, you’ll see!
Wendy and her Mighty-Munching Myriad of Fashions strike again! *shock* *horror*
Haha, the hairy purple jacket is amusing. Sorry your friend is leaving. 🙁
& I haven’t found the poster yet, but I will definitely be begging the manager for it when they’re finished with it.
Hey, did you cut your hair? It looks different. V. cute!
Nope! That’s my regular, non-party hair.
I’m going for creepiest blog stalker of the year award:
this is for when you miss monika, and to see how cute we would be hanging out or doing a dance routine together!!!
you are going to get a restraining order on me now aren’t you. damn.
puurrr you will miss your friend I am sure. I talk with my best friend everyday and hate it when she is away too… You cracked me up about the purple jacket chewing her shoulder hee hee hee – thanks for the laugh!
Happy Friday!
Hairy purple jacket I must find one, great blog. Are you up for a link exchange
I am noticing a theme here. Cornucopia and Pilgrim Dress. Are you a Mayflower Mademoiselle? Not the naughty kind–that inspires made for TV movies, but rather, the Mayflower Descendant kind.
PPIEW, you are the Funniest!Stalker!Ever! BWAH HA HA HA. I was laughing out loud so much that my husband came over to see but teh Interweb sometimes confuses him and he was like, “How did your face get there?” I thought it was too much to explain.
Kiki, yes, absolutely!
LBR, we are more the “fleeing Europe from angry Aryans” type of family. Alas I think the DAR will never let me in.
we are cute right???
well at least he can’t file a restraining order against me on the interweb. whew!
i am a huge fan of claires! my friends friends aunt is claire.. everyone knows everyone else here haha. i hope you liked it there!
LOL, Bunny! I am sad to say we just met at the Corner Copia (and in my case, took a photo of it) and ate somewhere else.