Personally, I dread Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Off the top of my head, I can think of five women I’ve known who have had breast cancer. I’m sure there are more I could name. I really couldn’t be more aware. I am so aware that I am turning into an insane hypochondriac and I don’t need any more crazy. As Jack Nicholson’s character said in As Good as It Gets, “Sell crazy someplace else. We’re all stocked up here.”

However, many other people have a lower level of awareness. To you I say, “Take good care of your health!” Even if you are very young, if you find any unusual lumps or bumps, go to your doctor right away and make him/her PROVE that it’s nothing (which it most likely is). Do not tolerate anyone who says you are too young and wants to send you away without an exam. Also, please do not wait months or years to go to a doctor.
If you are old like me, to you I say, “Go for mammograms and sonograms!” The good news is that mammograms are much more fun than their reputation. Okay, that’s a complete lie! They’re not fun at all unless you are into S&M. Those of you who are not into S&M should do it anyway. If you need help finding a mammography place, go here to search by zip code.

Do you know a breast cancer survivor or are you one yourself? Maybe that person is like me and wants to make a statement but doesn’t like rubber bracelets and rhinestone pins. Maybe she is a snooty beyotch and proud of it! Maybe that attitude helped her survive. Over the years, a few tough and snooty broads have asked me for pink ribbons in gold and now I have one. It is 1/2″ long, in 14K rose gold with pink sapphires. It would be a lovely and meaningful gift for someone you love. I’ll price that at $160 for you blog readers. If you voluntarily pay more than $160, I will donate the difference here. If you want to see the ribbon, email me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com and I will send you a scan. (UPDATED OCTOBER 2009: The ribbon pendants are sold out.)
Speaking of philanthropy, if you buy any of my pieces through my website, I always donate 10% to one of my favorite charities, which are listed on the site. And if you buy my gorgeous apple pendant, I donate 50% of the $1,190 to Minds Matter of NYC, Inc. This is a great organization. If you live in New York, they are looking for volunteers. For more philanthropic shopping, see Uptown Liz, which I wrote about here.

Here’s another idea. If you buy the awesome and funny book Cancer Vixen, cartoonist and author Marisa Acocella Marchetto donates a portion of the proceeds to the Comprehensive Cancer Center in Manhattan and The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Fashionistas may be familiar with Marisa’s cartoons from Glamour. Cate Blanchett is going to be playing Marisa in the movie version of this and I’m sure you’ll want to read the book first. That way you can complain about tiny differences between the book and the movie. Admit it! You love to do that. But don’t get into a conversation like that with a Lord of the Rings aficionado unless you have a lot of time. That’s my last charitable recommendation for this post. Don’t feel bad, LOTR fans. You are all my preciouses. I like listening to you, but if you want to talk about these things please schedule an appointment so I can block out enough time. Speaking of LOTR, the phrase “pervy hobbit fancier” is something I can’t say too often. Check out the hilarious pervy hobbit fancier’s journal here.

There is a lot of actions and informations about cancer in Poland in October. I think is very important to remaind about it.
I’ve only known one person who’s had breast cancer and sadly she didn’t survive. I’ve always been scared of it being me someday, cancer is such a killer it seems like it’s getting to everyone lately all you can do is take care of yourself and pray your spared and help those affected. great post!
that is an awesome post! i tip my hat to you.
@ Jennifer, that’s what I don’t like about being “overaware.” People get the idea that it’s inevitable. So then you’re spending your healthy years dealing unnecessary anxiety. Even if something did happen, did it really accomplish anything to have had worried? It’s like a lot of things we worry about. The worrying is irresistible yet it accomplishes nothing in and of itself. All you can do is go to the doctor and be alert, I guess. BTW, I don’t believe in insanely controlled “healthy” diets. People who overcontrol their eating beyond reasonable moderation always seem humorless to me and I think humor is more important to maintaining good health than making sure every apple you eat has an organic sticker on it.
Hey thanks for your visit and comment.
YOu have some nice stuff here. I especially like your pirate necklace..(one of my son’s girlfriends is into the whole pirate thing)…
nice blog.
I really think is a very interesting post. I suffered a case of breast cancer in my family and it is very hard, even if she survives, because you always feel afraid of it. However, I agree with you, you loose your time worrying about things that maybe are going to happen anyway, in my opinion, the most important is going to the doctor ON TIME.
This is a lovely post. thanks for it W.
I just did a post on Breast Cancer Awareness, too, then I read yours! I’m glad that there is more awareness about Breast cancer, I also know a lot of people affected.
Wow. You are going to get the best readers from google after all the fun search phrases you hid in this one.
Anyhow, lovely post. It had the same tone as Cancer Vixen: caring but a little cheeky.
Hi Wendy,
Love this post.We tend to take things lightly
Thanks for all the suggestions, Wendy, and especially re Cancer Vixen. I will look for it asap.
Excellent words and I’m glad you reposted this – so important for this awareness.