Last week, I was too outraged by Marc Jacobs’s outrage at our outrage to post about it. Confused? The Marc Jacobs show last Monday started two hours late. Word had gotten out that the show was going to be insanely late, so we went for drinks and didn’t sit at the venue like a bunch of fools. Also, once we got there and still had to wait an hour, the climate was bearable: neither too hot like the time people were on the verge of fainting, nor too cold, like the time I was wearing a heavy coat, hat and gloves inside (but still shaking). I got to hang out with some nice folks. All in all, not bad! (For an amusing history of Marc’s late starts, click here.)
However, other people did complain about the long wait and that made Mark go ballistic (read his diatribe in WWD here). I wish I had such nerve! Imagine if I showed up to meetings with my customers two hours late and then screamed at them to be grateful I showed at all and blamed them for making me late. Imagine doing that at your job! Seriously, for science’s sake, go ahead and give that a try. Let me know how it goes.
I’ve never been one of Marc’s slavering devotees though I adore his work for Louis Vuitton (I so wish I could afford those clothes) and I acknowledge that his own line is very influential even when unwearable. I do love going to the show to see what people are going to be influenced by next season. I also go to enjoy circus-like scene (just like Barnum & Bailey but without unpleasant elephant smells!) and to see what will be piled up on the clearance racks at Bergdorf Goodman in a few months.

I think he should be ashamed by the things he said in this article. It’s a sign of an ego that’s totally out of control and it is an insult to every designer who puts together a show in a more professional way under the exact same conditions with regards to the fabric factories and timing of Fashion Week. And Robert Duffy sounds like such an enabler! When Marc went to rehab, Robert should have gone to Al-Anon.

Marc has threatened to take his ball and go home, i.e. pack up his see-through garments and move the show to Paris (where no one ever complains?!). Diane von Furstenberg is apparently ready to throw herself on the sidewalk and lick the feet of Marc’s questionable boyfriend to prevent this tragedy. Wrong answer, Diane! Boyfriend-foot-licking is not what Marc needs. He needs to be taken to school and taught a lesson! My vote for schoolmarm is Anna Wintour. In fact, during the past show that I now think of as the “heatstroke” collection, I was chanting under my breath, “Anna, leave. Anna, leave. Anna, leave.” Everyone was staring at her. If she had left, the whole place would have gone with her and we might have been spared his season’s debacle. It’s not too late (no pun intended) for Ms. Wintour to beat a bitch’s ass. While handing out the beating, I suggest she quote the words of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn: “As I have raised you up, so I can cast you down.” Go for it, Anna! Suzy Menkes has your back.
OH sooooooooooooo juicy!
Only on 7th Ave.
Only in the Rag trade
Things have changed since I worked there or rather not at all but who knew?
News/dirt was not instant.
Here’s Suzy’s diatribe.
Those clothes do not look enticing…
But you can’t buy this kind of PR..
As Andy said,
Don’t worry what they say about you.
Count the inches.
‘Marc has threatened to take his ball and go home, i.e. pack up his see-through garments and move the show to Paris (where no one ever complains?!’
you are hilarious!
Did you see this on the fashion blogs at IHT?
Thanks for that link, PB.
Jacobs should be ashamed of his behavior. And his clothes ain’t that great, either.
i would pay very good money to watch Anna Wintour whup Marc into shape with her super-lean ripped arms. because, seriously, buddy. sticking two purses together? i could do that with my hot glue gun.
But Dorkas, please don’t, because it hurts my eyes and scares livestock!
I knew Marc Jacobs was a wack job when I tried on one of his jackets a few seasons back and then couldn’t get out of it! The over-sized buttons had gone into lock-down mode and the sleeves were so tight that the more I strugged, the tighter the whole thing got. It was like a pair of Chinese handcuffs. I looked like a wet squirrel by the time I freed myself.
And his purses have been so ugly for a while now that I am convinced that he is just trying to make women look as ridiculous as possible to cut down on the competition.
So, now he wants to run away to France, does he? He should remember that Parisians have a tendency to chop the heads off of haughty queens.
“He should remember that Parisians have a tendency to chop the heads off of haughty queens.” = funniest!reaction!ever!
Immediately apply for a job in fashion criticism. Do not delay!
Wow, what a prick! I must say though (and you probably did this on purpose) when I saw your post title, I was like OMG! Marc Jacobs DIED? I wondered if his weird quasi-bf maybe killed him. God that guy is a sleazeball– but now I can see the attraction.
@IYF, LOL, yes, I could not resist that very old “the late so-and-so” joke. It’s how Peter Lawford introduced Marilyn Monroe when she sang Happy Birthday to JFK at the president’s big birthday bash (the night she wore the famous nude-looking dress). Marilyn was notorious for always being late.
Aren’t you happy you went for a couple of drinks before hand? It surely must have lessened the blow of sitting around waiting. . . smart girl!
very funny post!
Yah, I’m not on the whole MJ bandwagon either. I don’t get it, I understand it, but I don’t get it.
And I’m surprised that DVF would actually be quoted as saying “beg infront of the pavement” that’s a bit much…
but if Anna walked out, wow, that would have been HISTORY
Marc Jacobs, the best !!
one of my favorites
What a great taste !!
no, you’re right, Wendy. i should put my hot glue gun to better use and properly reaffix the soles Marc’s backwards high heel atrocities.
i usually LOVE marc but he left me confused with this last one…
There comes a time when a nice celebrity breaks rank and disappears up their own backside. Well that time has arrived for Marc Jacobs and he has disappeared so for up his own ass that I don’t think he will be able to find his way back down. Starting your show two hours late is one thing but getting pissed because people are annoyed that you are late is simply retarded. I am so glad that Suzy Menkes cussed off his collection in her column. You go Suzie babe, the spoilt brat had it coming. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read a quote from him moaning about how hard he works. Well reality check, I work hard as does every fashion designer and journalist etc. A deadline is a deadline, even fashion students get their collection done on time and Marc gets paid zillions. Let him go to Paris – DVF is crazy to beg him to stay. Oh and just for the record, Anna Wintour got a call telling her that the show was running late so she had the chance to prepare herself with packing for London and having a late dinner. Shame Marc couldn’t show the same civility to the other attendees. He certainly knows what side his bread is buttered on.
BWAH @ “he has disappeared so for up his own ass that I don’t think he will be able to find his way back down.” Thanks for your comment, Ondo Lady. I’ve been amazed at how many people have been willing to defend this kind of assholosity.
wow, what an in depth and honest response