Good news for the peeps who find me while looking for Kova & T latex leggings. Intuition has them for $113: go for it. Come back later and tell me how you like them! (And thanks to Dolls Realm for the latex-related shout-out, which reminded me to check teh Interweb for these leggings one more time.)
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Teheheheee… I’m just mentally visualizing myself in ’em tights and it’s not a pretty sight! Latex leggings are among the things I like watching other people wear. I personally feel one has to be well toned to carry it off – and I’m not one of them!
Wendy, can I list you on my site? You’re brilliant!
OMG, I just threw up in my mouth a little.
This is very, very bad. You know, it is only a matter of time that scrawny, flat-assed middle-aged women or fat-assed, muffin-topped younger women feel compelled to romp around in these things. And, Wendy, we will hold you responsible.
Someone notify the CDC immediately!
I don’t see myself in that leggins 🙂 but who knows, maybe some day… :))
@Lynn, sure, that would be very nice of you.
@GCA, they come with a tag that says “for beautiful people only.”
Those things scare me. I think I’d look like a friggin’ rubber walrus in them. Or a “fat-assed, muffin topped younger women”. hence, I shall keep my distance 🙂
Check this post for some pix of real people rocking latex-look leggings:
LOL! Wendy, If you ever see me in a pair of latex pants you have permission to do whatever you must to save the rest of humanity.
@GCA, do you expect me to believe that a “sluttie” like you doesn’t already have 5 pairs of latex pants? I know you were wearing them under your big duffel coat while walking the dog and that’s how that woman recognized your true self!
“Duffle” coat!
How DARE you disparage my sparkling-clean image?!
I’ll have you know that I am just as naked (though not as hairy) as my dog underneath my duffle.
I will be discussing this with Loolly!
all these posts about latex are hurting me. Noone posts about boys clothes ;(. Im going to go to school wearing latex leggings and say ” Wendy suggests then”
Ha ha! Victor, you made my day. Definitely put on your latex gear and if anyone asks, blame me. Don’t forget to take pictures of the experience! ;-P
ohh these are great! i’ll let you know if i pick them up, i might be holding out for the Row trousers.
i’m really developing an undying craving for latex leggings, but then i stop, close my eyes, and visualise the way i would actually look in them…and may not be the prettiest sight anyone would digest. I know this is a stupid question, but can you wear normal underwear with Latex? or will it show through?
These actually might be fabulous in the winter – but i think the people in graduate program would totally ostracize me to the realm of freakdom if i wore them – but of course in my opinion they rock
Shaz, maybe we can get an underwear report from Jennine of the Coveted or Susie Bubble. Ooh! Or Agathe…she has them. Jen, I think the Row trousers look great and they’re leather, right? So that probably breathes well and leather pants are always a classic. Peeps, you’ll be thrilled to know that after listening to some old music for a post next week (I’m not giving away the topic yet!) I broke down and ordered the American Apparel leggings. I already know how I will title the post with THAT picture in it: “Mutton Dressed as Lamb.” Ha! Well, screw it, as my grandmother says. You only live once, right?