I Have to Tear Myself Away From the Computer… September 11, 2007 by WendyB because watching gold prices is killing me! It’s now around $713 an ounce. I feel like we’re going to crash through last year’s high this week. Save me, Jebus! You might also like Recommended Reading: Manufacturing RealitiesGetting Introspective With 1stdibsWhere Are You Now, Gold Bugs?
In Yr Fshn says September 11, 2007 at 9:59 am Is this a bubble that will burst like the real estate market? Or is it possible for prices to stay that high?
Victor says September 11, 2007 at 12:37 pm LOL well its like the stock market LOL. You dont look pregnant in that dress! I dont really like it though x]
Frasypoo says September 12, 2007 at 7:41 am Oh Wendy…..you sound Indian !!We love our gold.My mom has been grumbling about the price rise in gold too.
WendyB says September 12, 2007 at 9:18 am LOL, extend my sympathies to your mother. I’m having nightmares about it going up to $1000 an ounce!
Is this a bubble that will burst like the real estate market? Or is it possible for prices to stay that high?
LOL well its like the stock market LOL.
You dont look pregnant in that dress! I dont really like it though x]
Oh Wendy…..you sound Indian !!
We love our gold.My mom has been grumbling about the price rise in gold too.
LOL, extend my sympathies to your mother. I’m having nightmares about it going up to $1000 an ounce!