Fasshonburu pointed out these mouse shoes by the late Marc Jacobs (he’s not really dead, just late, so please stop crying). I asked myself, “Self, would mouse feet make you happy?” But upon serious reflection, I realized that only fish feet will do. Alas.

UPDATED TO ADD: I almost had heart failure just now when I clicked on the fish feet link on Bluefly and saw the shoes were IN STOCK! But it turned out to be only in size 8, and I’m a 6.5 or so. Quelle horreur!
These are cute too…very differant
omg i love these shoes the fish have more detail. These are too cute!!! These open toed shoes are amazing. You should buy a pair. They just dont make these things for boys ;l
Wendy, I like the mice! They are more of a cold weather animal. Fish feet are really only practical in the summer/ early fall.
I prefer the mice to the fish. but I don’t really like to go over with wearing too much animal on my feet, or anywhere else for that matter….:P
What did you say, IYF? I can’t hear you over the “fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads” song that is running through my head!
i LUV those mouse shoes!
so many points for sandburg reference.
Ah, thank you, Dorkas. I will update my score sheet immediately. Or maybe my points can go on my “permanent record.” I wonder who is keeping that permanent record they always threaten you with in school?
Hmmm…I’m not sure about the mouse shoes. My cat might just chew my toes but yeah, it looks pretty fun!
Cute vs. Gorgeous. Hmmm… Granted all things permissible, I’d get both!! 😉
Mice, for me tho, is more practical.
“Love to eat them mousies…
Mousies what I love to eat!
Bite they little heads off,
Nibble on they tiny feet!”
–Wear mouse shoes at your peril. Especially if you know any cats.
Oh the mice are sooo cute. Very wearable (oh, and thanks for stopping by!)
no for mice, yes for fish! 🙂
since when is AMAZON selling Marc Jacob shoes!?
I hope someone knocks these off soon so I don’t have to pay out $300+ bucks 🙁
I always liked the marc jacobs mouse flats…ive seen a few girls in them and they look always look cute and quirky