Yet you can’t quite figure out what it is?
“I can’t put my finger on it, but something is amiss, ” thought Gwendolyn. “Luckily, a LBD is always appropriate!”
Gorgeous future client (ahem!) Jane, noticing my latex fetish, directed me to Syren Latex. Syren has high-end leggings as well as air-conditioned dresses. They also have polish so you can keep your latex nice and shiny. Syren’s site is not for children, so if you’re a child, stop reading this blog and go do your homework!
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funny !
a kiss
FYI – the Syren dress you picture was *not* my hallowe’en outfit!
OMG, i wonder who would actually wear it in public! *lol* Looks funny, though.
I think, Romeika, this one is strictly for private wear 😉
This LBD creeps me out on so many levels, but to each her own! I, personally, am all for covering up my bum ;).
I want latex leggings!!
Kate Moss has done wonders for the latex industry.
yum, yum, yum.
Olive Grey…Kate Moss does wonders for ever industry: Latex, cigarettes, fur…drugs lol
As for that dress, is it seriously forsale, or just used as a powerful advertising method? i hope its the latter
It’s for sale but it IS a fetish site. And if you don’t know what that means, don’t look! I don’t want to be the one who takes your innocence!
Wendy, I love this dress! I feel like such a perv compared to all the other commentors here, but I think it would be awesome to wear that (even at home) and pretend you didn’t know it was like that. “Oops! Where’s the back?”
HAHA! I’ve got to hand it to you to find something like that? really interesting…haha
@ IYF, I bet it would be your boyfriend’s favorite fashion statement ever!
LOL!!! I don’t doubt it…
She’s got a great ass, I’m the only black woman in American with NO ASS-I always have boody envy.
So that’s where my ass went!
@ GCA, you never told me it was lost!
Oh, yeah. Me and my ass broke up a while ago and ever since I’ve been trying to get back together with her. She says it’s all my fault for being so lazy. She said I didn’t appreciate her enough. It’s not true!!
(fully illustrated book to follow.)
@gca, she’s a lying bitch!