I was trying to describe these shoes to the charming In Yr Fshn. To make things easier, I’m scanning the ad. If this looks a little blotchy, blame the Snapple I spilled on it, rather than the beautiful Kermit-colored platforms. (The title of this post refers to a fantastic ’70s ad campaign.) UPDATED TO ADD: So FASH’on has a less-Snapple-fied, less wrinkled version.
OH! I know about this ad and shoes! I posted it right after it surfaced! They are incredible, no?
Ah, Snapple. I loved it when I was in the U.S. and used to drink it all the time:)Memories…
I hunted it down on Friday after you mentioned and basically drooled on the cover for ten minutes. Oddly enough, I already had the Vogue I found the ad on, but had moved it down to the shared gym in our building. And I would not pick that thing back up for any amount of money. It’s amazing the way some people sweat! Much worse than a little Snapple…
Yikes! Like the guy at my gym who works out for two hours while wearing heavy sweats including a hat!
snapple rulz! sweat doesn’t:)lol
i can;t explain why but I love these christian dior ads, maybe because they are simple or Jessica Stam looks like a delicious cat.
The orange one is also quite lovely.
that green is so cool!!
a kiss
aww Jessica, she’s incredibly stunning
I am a couture shoe designer and craftsman (a traditional old-school cobbler). The real interesting thing about this shoe, besides the hypnotically voluptuous colour, is the woven basket-like effect on the side of the shoe and the chunky heel. The whole shoe reminds me of an intricate, ceremonial woven basket I saw and photographed (can’t find the photo yet) on a trip to Madagascar last winter.
Gerald, if you find that photo, please let me know!