I find it very annoying when a store fibs about the original retail price of an item in order to make a sale look better. I recently posted about a sale on Acne Jeans, Hex style, Radison wash. Just now, I spotted some Acne items on Bluefly and was ready to share that information when I noticed that Bluefly’s “original price” for the Hex jeans in Radison was $349. I’ve looked all around the InterWeb, including Acne’s own site and a European site where I converted from euros, and found the Hex Radison priced no higher than $299. (Which I acknowledge is still a fortune.) Inflating the original price is always sleazy, but considering that Bluefly is a publicly traded company (trading at a pathetically low price, but that’s besides the point) I consider this especially egregious. Kind of makes wonder what else they’re lying about, right? I wonder what their excuse will be. UPDATED TO ADD: Hex jeans in the Lena wash are on sale FOR REAL at Oak.
Bluefly Lies About Acne Jeans?
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wow tt’s cheating!!
anyhow thanks for d tip(: whn i get my booties (which i hope it’s gna be soon) i’m so gna wear skinnies wif it=p
Impulse in Seattle has their summer jeans at $60. I just snagged a pair of the Hex Radisons.
I returned 4 evening dresses to them three years ago…they claim they never received them. Possible, I know. But I do almost all of my shopping via the internet and this hasn’t ever happened to me before.