Thanks to Cindy Edelstein of National Jeweler for including my snake earrings in her TrendTracker piece on serpentine designs.
This earring style — and its matching necklace — was inspired by and named after Mary Queen of Scots. For the mini history lesson that explains that, click here. I’ve had this design for quite a while but I’ve never done a complementary ring. I’m adding that to my to-do list for this year!
I think it needs to be a necklace! Maybe an open necklace/collar (there may be a better word for this), with the snake coiling around your neck. Or a bracelet as well (am picturing a bangle style, perhaps the kind that could be worn on the upper arm).
Love the earrings too of course!
I do have a onyx necklace — you’re so right about the bracelet, I’m really thinking of that now!
First dibs! I have an ouroboros (so its a snake) tattoo so it would match! I’ve named her Eve.
Great name!
I’ve always loved these and I can’t wait to see what you do with the ring!!
I happened to stumble on this page and I fell in love with the snake earnings. Is there a necklace that goes with it? Please share the images of that too. Can’t wait to see the ring that you plan to design!
Here’s the necklace: