Start saving your money now, because I’m going to have a great Cyber Monday sale on select pieces* on December 2. I wanted to give y’all plenty of warning, because you’ll get the truly exceptional deals if you have $500 or $1,000 to spend. I’m talking diamonds and one-of-a-kind pieces, people! You’ll be ready to go to the Oscars with these. But don’t panic if you don’t have a big budget: There will be pieces under $50 for you. The discounts will be as much as 85%, meaning some very special pieces will be well below cost … for those 24 hours only. Put the date on your calendar now so that you don’t miss out.
*Sale will exclude all letter rings, necklaces, and stud earrings from the WENDYB by Wendy Brandes collection, so if you want those, you may as well buy ’em now!
whee! thanks for the word.
Should be some good options if I don’t sell ’em before!
Oh sweet, I love your sales, Wendy!
Be there or be square! 😉
thanks for the advance notice! just in time to save up for a birthday present for myself <3
There will be some great options!