Happy birthday to my gorgeous mother, BarbaraB! I thought I’d celebrate by sharing this March 1967 vacation photo of us.
What do you mean, you can’t see me? I’m there! Admittedly, I became a lot easier to spot after I was born in December of that year. Did you know that during the first month of pregnancy, a fetus is very susceptible to the mother’s fashion choices? This is clearly how my love of animal prints developed.
Hi my dear! What a beautiful photo, your mum is stunning and you so look like her! Wishing her a very Happy Birthday! xxx
What a fabulous photo.
Happy Birthday to your Mom!
You and your mother make a great tag team!
Happy Birthday to the still gorgeous BarbaraB
Great pic! You look just like your mom!
Dude, your mom is hot! 😉
Wendy’s mom has got it going on…. 🙂
My word was “leopard”!
Totally hot picture! I so would wear that suit!
Happy B-Day, BarbaraB! You are a bombshell! =)
Now I understand while I’m drawn to cat-eye glasses!
And dang, your mama was HAWT 🙂
SMOKING! What an amazing picture! and I can see you – in her smile 🙂
ohmyLORD that photo is fantastic!!!! clearly you come from very good stock!
and happy birthday to your mom!!!
I know, right!
Whoa! Your mom is a babe!
And they should make that bathing suit every year. Its got a sexy flintsone thing goin on.
Would have fit right in with this Jeremy Scott collection! http://nymag.com/fashion/fashionshows/2010/spring/main/europe/womenrunway/jeremyscott/
Happy Birthday and I LOVE this outfit and photo of your mum x
Isn’t she fab?
That’s an incredible photo.
Dad took some good ones of her!
Happy Birthday to your lovely mom. She looks so cool in leopard.
Holy cow that photo is gorgeous! And your philosophy must be why my kid’s fave food is fries.
Happy Birthday Mama B! You look so like her in this photo & I would die for that swimsuit, sexy mama! Give her big birthday kisses from Gwensday & I! XXX
I want the swimsuit too!