Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook might already know that MrB had hip-replacement surgery this week at the excellent Hospital for Special Surgery. He’s doing very well and will be home soon. I’ve been passing along your good wishes to him. Thanks!

The view from the hospital waiting room.
I actually know of that hospital thanks to my previous employer; a lot of their radio adverts passed through my ears during my transcription days.
My future grandmother-in-law also became bionic recently with a new knee; my future stepmother will follow when the doctors give her the green light.
Big hugs and best wishes to MrB and to you! xoxoxoxoxo
That’s right — I HAVE heard their radio ads! And thanks from me and MrB.
So glad he is doing well & will be home soon! I wish you both (LOL) a speedy recovery !!! I know how “needy” men can be when they are hurt or in pain! hahaha
I hope he’s recovering nicely.
So glad things went well. I hope to see him soon. I guess his dogwalking duties are on hold??
Unfortunately for me!
Feel better, MrB!!
A new, improved, bionic husband! That’s what every gal needs! So is that a view across the East River I see? Get well Mr B!
Hooray for Mr.B’s health! Hope his healing continues to be speedy. Wishing you guys the best.
Awesome news, Wendy! So glad to hear that he came through it well. Please pass along my best wishes too!
I’m so glad he’s recovering well!
Glad it went well for him – nice view from the waiting room.You must be relieved to have him home soon. Don’t be test-driving his new hip too soon!
That’s great! Wishing a speedy recovery! 🙂
I’ve been blowing Twitter off lately, so I missed this announcement. I’m sorry I did.
Best wishes for MrB’s speedy and complete recovery.
Hi my dear! Fabulous news and so pleased for you both that everything went well, send my best regards to him too please!! xx
Clever title hehe, all the best to Mr. B!
Wishing Mr. B well on his road to recovery from a gimpy gal from Florida!
I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things from the Hospital for Special Surgery.
(and how does your anti-spam know I’ve been a ms piggy this week?)
Speedy recovery to Mr B! My BIL had both done, and a few years later is still doing fabulously!
Wishing Mr. B well. Wonderful hospital. My husband used to refer a few special or unusual cases to a couple of doctors at there, and would consult with them occasionally.
Lots Of love to you both xxx
I’m glad he’s doing well.
Oh dear, please give Mr. B my best wishes. I am very glad to hear it went well and that he’s home now. Hugs!
He’s going to feel great once he gets through rehab. Make sure he stays on track. It will hurt at first but will get better much faster.
My father-in-law traveled from Kansas City to fix an infected knee replacement at that same hospital. They wanted to amputate here. Even at HSS they were giving him only a 1% chance at a successful outcome. They know what they are doing there. He’s been walking on his own leg for over two years now. That hospital is like the Mayo Clinic of bone doctors. Highly recommended, and very glad MrB was able to use them.
Glad your FIL’s leg was rescued!