When I saw a mesh-topped Hervé L. Leroux dress in US Magazine, I flashed back to a bodysuit I wore in the summer of 1993.

Check out those mom jeans! That’s how we rolled back then. I also had no knowledge of flat irons, as you can tell from my hair. Flat irons are very important to me now.
In some circles, mesh never went away, even though Hot Topic stopped selling such things around the time Twilight became a thing.
And you go with your mom jeans! Woo-hoo! ;P
Hi my dear!! I loved these bodysuits back in the day!! What a fab dress too x
Wendy, you look fabulous in any era…..its the person wearing the clothing, not always the clothes! hehehe
Fashion is a mighty merry-go-round! But <we all know that. You look so cute in the pic. That was that then… so cool in high school!
I think Anna Paquin is the most interesting in it! So I vote for her! I am having a giveaway on my blog and wanted to give you a hint as you were one of the first to comment my blog almost five years ago. Thank you!
Yes yes! I had some all mesh high-neck bodysuits I got from Fredericks of Hollywood back in the day and I’d wear them under regular tanks. They were perfect!
You were just as beautiful in 1993 as you are in 2012!! I love that mesh top/bodysuit!
i had a similar dress i wore one christmas
love the hair, so 90’s!!
Oh poor Wendy, I had a flat iron in the early ’80s (even though that was about 20 years before pregnancy changed my hair from pin straight to this frizz!) Hey I just remembered, around the same time I made myself a blouse like that, except the inset was lace (and it matched my purple hair) — does that count? Heehee!
What?! No one I knew had a flat iron then! You were so advanced! Lucky thing. No idea your hair changed due to the princess. Interesting.
This is so amusing, because everyone I knew had a flat iron and a crimping iron at the time! I recall they were pretty crappy back then — like crimping irons that really fried your hair — and I think we got them at beauty supply stores, so they weren’t everywhere yet. But I recall getting one because of my love of wigs that would get frizzy after all the backcombing. Yeah, hair can do that due to pregnancy. Thank goodness I didn’t lose my hair like a friend after she had her daughter! Just more lovely things women have to contend with… XXX S.
I changed the wording in my post based on your info!
Women have it rough. Sigh. I got some stuff going on now…I won’t get into it! 😀
OMG I remember those jeans more than anything else how did we ever walk around wearing those horrible things
You’re the only person I know who can wear mom jeans and look great!
I see you were ahead of the curve even in the 1900s!!
BTW, thanks for the head up about the denim post – I had already mailed you!
Were you wearing “baggies?” I had at least two pairs of those.
The bodysuit is really cool. Very flattering on you. I could never get into bodysuits, because they crept. To uncomfortable places.