Last month, I was so bored on an airplane that I started flipping through American Way magazine out of desperation. To my surprise, there was a laugh-out-loud interview with Mike D (Michael Diamond) and Ad-Rock (Adam Horovitz) of the Beastie Boys (The third Beastie, MCA [Adam Yauch], is being treated for cancer and didn’t participate). First they mocked the interviewer:
“How do you get paid?” asks Diamond, who’s smartly turned out in an oxford shirt and a sweater. “Do you get compensated in miles?”
“Or do you get free stuff from that catalog, the SkyMall?” wonders the graying Horovitz, arching an eyebrow.
Then they make some random-ass comments.
“I’m a fan of pretzels,” Horovitz says. “I’d like to go on record saying that. I know that will be of tremendous interest to American Airlines passengers.”
You can read the whole article here.
I would be delighted to work for American Way magazine if it meant I could be teased by the Beastie Boys and get some free SkyMall shit. I’ve spent a lot of time contemplating SkyMall’s offerings, particularly the Bug Vacuum. That would have come in handy recently, when a gigantic cucaracha invaded my living room.
I’ve also spent a lot of time wondering what kind of people buy the Bigfoot garden sculpture. I must meet those people!
I’ve been loving the Beastie Boys’ latest album, Hot Sauce Committee Part 2, but I can’t think of the Beasties without thinking of “Cooky Puss,” so here it is.
UPDATED TO ADD: After posting this, I remembered there is an Abominable Snowman in the Beastie Boys’ Spike-Jonze-directed video for “Don’t Play No Game That I Can’t Win.” (The video ends with the disclaimer that “No yetis were harmed during the making of this film.”) I think our mission is clear, readers. We must join together to buy the SkyMall Bigfoot, spray-paint it white, and plant it in Mike D’s yard. Are you in?
UPDATED AUG. 2, 2011, TO ADD: And now you can buy fully-poseable Beastie Boy action figures. They’re $750. Proceeds go to two cancer charities.
Oh my gosh that big foot statue is hilarious!!! I saw that in the airplane Sky Mall magazine a few months ago. I thought the best thing to do with that would be to buy one and secretly put it in a friend or family member’s backyard. So great.
That is a great idea. You are a genius!
Bless the Beasties. I will love them forever. Have you seen the full length vid for “Make Some Noise”? HILARIOUS.
My whole house is Design Toscano…
ha ha! i read the beasties article. nice break from work…
Oh that Bigfoot . . . imagine him emerging from my hot tub on a steamy night . . .
Patti, you are kinky!
I freakin’ love those SkyMall catalogs!
Miss J would enjoy being bored on an airplane. It would be such a nice break from praying not to crash.
Give me Bigfoot or give me death…
Or Valium?
Hi my dear!! Love the big foot statue, very intriguing and unique, but not in my garden. I adore your bejewelled manicure too and what a cute footsie and paw pic too xxx
I had to laugh when I saw the Bigfoot sculpture and imagined viewing a friend’s backyard and seeing a that sculpture back near her woods. LOL
Hee! I totally need the BugVac. We keep getting candle flys in the house and can never catch them.
WTF are candle flies? I don’t like the sound of them. Are they as big as votive candles or something?
Oh my God I love the statue. I wouldn’t by it. I like to think it’s in George Lucas’s yard somewhere posed to fight with Jaba the Hut or Darth Vader like Giant action figures.
lol @ the Harry and the Henderson’s yard statue
I always end up turning to these magazines out of desperation and I always come ….this…..close……to buying something for my husband as a gag gift. Like a bigfoot statue. I mean for real? That would make a sick bday present.
I have always had much love for the Beastie Boys. They are my sort of people with their humor. That interview is laugh out loud funny.
I do wonder, after flying just a week ago…who buys the Bigfoot in the SkyMall catalog?
I guess we will never know since it can be done withotu anyone knowing. Purchases that happen in the air are top secret. 🙂
Whatever happens on a plane, stays on the plane?
I’m in! Let’s do it. And then we’ll all go to White Castle afterward 🙂
I wanted to buy that spider thingy for my sister for Christmas, but my mother thought she might be offended!
If her house quail aren’t up to the job, she better get a bug sucker!
Are you serious with that big foot? I think there was one at a party I recently attended, ‘it’ emerged sometime late next morning… I LOVE the Beastie Boys, Ill Communication is one of my favourite albums of all time, but their last couple of albums not so much.
fun post!
Wow, usually those in-flight magazines are mind-numbingly boring, though I will admit to being endlessly amused by the SkyMall crap. I always want to buy the ugliest thing in the catalog and then plant it at someone’s house. “What do you mean that tree has a face, no I never noticed that…”
I can’t think of the Beasties without thinking of Sure Shot.
wendy — start up a fund for the yeti for mike d and i will participate. no joke.
Haaaaa! Classic! I LOVE the Beasties. Takes me back to my youth.
And um, yeah, the only thing that might actually make sense in the SkyMall catalog is that bug vacuum. The cucaracha terrifies me. And My hubby has a fake one that is so creepy and he totally got me with it the other day AFTER I screamed at him to come kill a live, little one that showed up after a massive storm. Remind me again what purpose they serve other than to freak women out?