… maybe you’re a bit messed up too. So says this this Salon article (via Jezebel) on Britney Spears’s catastrophe at the VMAs.
I appreciated Salon writer Rebecca Traister‘s piece in general, but particularly her comment on the “fat” criticism of Britney. I think that all the heat she’s gotten on her weight has been very sexist. Her performance was poor, her outfit unflattering, but she did not look fat except according to the eating-disorder-encouraging eye that we cast on celebrities (and once they have an eating disorder, we criticize them for that). Plus, it’s absurd because her weight is not problem #1!
I also thought Traister nicely summed up the awful upbringing that made Britney what she is. All stage mothers and fathers should take note before living out their dreams through their children.
And this was the best line: “a gross example of exactly how much malicious satisfaction we get out of the embarrassing weakness of an addictive, postpartum, out-of-control mess of a human being.”
Traister’s advice to Britney boils down to “just say no,” but honestly, I think the girl is too wrecked to help herself. I hope something changes that, but since she’s been pimped out full-time since she was a child, when would she have learned anything that would save her?
I reiterate my “Shame on you!” to MTV. And I’ll say another “Shame!” to fame whore magician Criss Angel just for the hell of it.
i can’t keep up with all of your fabulous posts!
but the whole britney thing is sad. its just so unfortunate that shes had all of these oportunities to come back and be like HA! i got you, i’m still the successful spears i used to be. i want to see her show us up!
Sorry, Sewing Bunny, I used to work for a news wire service and it seems I have fallen back into old habits of lots of news, very fast! Re Britney, I actually believed they were throwing enough money at this event and giving her enough support to help her do well. Naive, I know. They’ve gotten so much more out of it by having her do poorly. BTW, I’ve always had my suspicions about how she came to “steal” my ring and other stuff from the OK! shoot. Did she really steal it?
Did they really not have an opportunity to stop her? Was she encouraged just a wee bit? Hmmmmm.
I agree…
But you gotta wonder where is Team Spears or her posse?
Who kept her on track all these years?
Were they fired?
This can’t really be all that new.
Someone kept a very tight leash on her for a very long time.
Now she’s on one of those expandable leashes and running all over the place, which doesn’t do a bit of good to the owner or the doggie.
Bad analogy I know.
But her performance was treadful.
Every little detail.
Just as every little detail used to be unreal perfection.
The land of opportunity offers highs like no other.
And the fall is just as steep.
great article wendyb. wow. i am left with a weird feeling after reading that…even beyond britney — it is the larger themes she addresses…such a mess…
I just wish Brangolina has walked off with your ring Wendy.
Course it does show that Brit has some damn good taste somewhere or other….
i was sooo embarrased for her! i dont thing shes “fat” but she could have worn something more flattering!
Oh dear, Britney’s showing her hoohoo again…
hey i made a new post about The Row on my blog. i know you like the latex/leather leggings as much as i do (if possible) so i thought i’d point it out to you, the video is amazing!
i sometimes cant help but feel a bit bad for her.
Yeah, I think the weight comment is off-base and unfair. She looks like a normal person – that’s the problem people are having.
But then I understand that people may be disappointed (though I don’t encourage or condone it) because really, when was she ever a bonafied singer? She was known for a hard body and raking in the money with overtly sexual dances.
It’s basically the situation where people thought she would 100% bounce back a la Gwen Stefani, but she hasn’t. But a 25″ waist is the least of her problems.
*Gwen Stefani regarding pregnancies.
Personally I like britney. She has had 2 kids and a divorce. What do you expect? Im suprised she looked that skinny. Her dress looked like underwear and a bra. She was supposed to where a corset, her heel broke, supposedly she had a reaction to some
eye drops. I dont really know I’m just tired of everyone jumping on her for her weight when its her performance that is lacking anything.
greay post.
it’s funny how after her marriage to federline aka gold digger, her life spiralled down hill, except shs the one coping all the slack, while he’s partying it up every single day and getting Acting roles what the hell is up with that?
And now i guess she blames the kids for her body issues and her career going down the tubes..
But she should have just taken a break from the public, and gotten her life back together, and looked after those kids who never seem to have a smile on they’re faces…then she would truly have made a successful comeback.