My gorgeous friend Elizabeth Wurtzel and IĀ went to a screening of a documentary called American Character Along Highway 50, which will be airing on USA Network (motto: “Characters Welcome“) on Monday, January 18.
Route 50, part of the U.S. highway system, stretches from Ocean City, Md., to West Sacramento, Calif., passing through 12 states for 3,000 miles. Legendary television journalist Tom Brokaw made nine stops along Route 50 to interview people about what USA Network calls “the profound economic, political and cultural changes Americans are experiencing during these uncertain, and particularly historic, times.”
After the screening, there was a Q&A session with Tom. Elizabeth piped up with the first and best question: “Is the farmer single?” The farmer in the documentary is Jeff Downs of Colorado.
Tom told us that Jeff’s wife is not only lovely but cooks the best lamb patties ever. Big disappointment for the single ladies in the audience.
I saved my question for the reception following the Q&A because it had to do with Tom personally, rather than the documentary. As I’ve mentioned, MrB and I watch a lot of Family Guy. Whenever the show caricatures a celebrity, I ask MrB: “Do you think s/he knows that s/he is on Family Guy?” MrB has long insisted that, yes, all the celebrities know they have been featured on Family Guy. I have been especially concerned with the “roving gang of Tom Brokaws” in the episode “Hell Comes to Quahog” (appropriately, considering the topic of the documentary, the episode is about the impact of a superstore on a small town). Because MrB knows Tom, I’ve begged him to ask Tom about this. When he repeatedly failed to do this, I threatened that I would someday ask Tom myself. My day finally arrived! Much to my surprise, the answer was no. Tom Brokaw did NOT know that there is a gang of animated Tom Brokaws saying, “I’d love to lick a lemon lollipop in Lillehammer” on Family Guy!

The roving gang of Tom Brokaws has Peter Griffin's back.
See? You learn something new every day. To see the episode, click here. Tom appears in Part 2 at 3:00 and 7:22. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I need to stalk the woman whom Family Guy calls “aging supermodel Carol Alt” and find out what she thinks of her mentions.
UPDATED TO ADD: A lot of celebrities, including James Woods and the guys from Kiss, play themselves on Family Guy so I always check the credits before stalking people.
OMG, that’s awesome! I can’t believe you asked him that and he said no. Ha! Was Mr.B mortified???
MrB promises he will send my post to Tom. Um…so…HI TOM!!!!!
I love it! I’m cracking up. You HAD to ask that question — you simply had no choice. I can’t believe he didn’t know anything about it though. And he calls himself a newsman!
my anti-spam word… browncow. good one.
Haha, make sure you wear a helmet when you accost Carol. I have a feeling she’s not going to like that description. š But kudos for asking Tom. I bet he’s taping every episode of FG now till he sees it.
Even though I’m sick to death of FG being on every five minutes, I still think it’s comedy gold.
The doc looks interesting, but I’m what I’m really excited about is that you went ahead and asked Tom Brokaw if he knew! Wow, I can’t believe he didn’t know — would’ve loved to see his face!
Olive Oyl (<anti-spam word)
woweeee farmer jeff is HOT. lucky wife!
good for u wendyb for having the huevos to ask tom about family guy. obviously no one else did.
You’re my hero! Did Tom at least think it was funny?
DP, he seemed to think Elizabeth was funny and that I was a little nuts. But that’s just my interpretation!
Well this post was well worth waiting all day for. Too funny. Can I go on this Carol Alt hunting expedition with you?
PLEASE report on what Carol Alt says.
And it’s beyond awesome that you told Tom that he was on Family Guy. Personally. AWESOME.
Cheers to you for asking your burning question. I always wondered if these shows needed permission. I hate when people ask stuffy questions. Loved the post.
I did not know you were friends with Elizabeth Wurtzel.
Here probably not the place to go into my excessive reading of Prozac Nation. But I have Bitch too.
Tom Brokaw means not a lot to me sadly as I am English, but this clears up soem Family Guy references for me!
I’m so glad you got to ask him because I’ve always wanted to know that too! Thanks WendyB! I love the Roving Gang of Tom Brokaws. So badass.
That must have been one of the best questions he got throughout the whole evening! I attend a fair share of screenings with subsequent Q&As and the questions people ask are always so damn boring. Now I realize everyone probably saves the best stuff for afterwards…
hey thanks for stopping by! nice blog you have here! gotta check out your jewelry line š
I just love you! Can’t wait for the Carol Alt interrogation!
that doc sounds really intriguing, thanks for sharing!
I can’t believe MrB didn’t kowtow to your wish to know if T.B. knew he was on F.G. I’ve never seen that episode, so when I’m done commenting here, I’m watching that clip.
My gosh! Was he mad that they were using his image without his permission?
So funny Wendy! If you had a talk show, I’d watch it.
Haha… I love that you asked this! I’ve always wanted to know if celebrities knew about their cameo appearances on FG, but I always assumed they didn’t. Please ask Carol Alt. And if you get a chance, I’d like to know what James Woods thinks of his role as well…
Hahah, that’s great! I remember once some Mr. Brokaw impersonator called Barbara Walters and it actually confused her for a moment. Oh the things the famous have to put up with…
Hahahaha xx
That is awesome! Did you ask the question with or without having had a glass(es) of Champagne prior? I would have needed some.
I LOVE the Susan earrings below!! FABulous!! š x
Truly, I’m amazed he didn’t know. I would have thought the show’s producers would advise the stars in question – to avoid being sued.
Tom didn’t know.. OMG! I thought all celebs knew, that there had to be some sort of paper signed in order to use their likeness… I did learn something new, but I always do when I come here.
Also big props to your friend for asking the important question!!!
Anyways I love USA’s characters welcome slogan, especially when they highlight the characters on their station.
You seriously crack me up, thats hillarious!!!
My sister has lunch w/Seth MacFarlane once a year, so I’m going to ask her to ask him if he knows that Tom Brokaw doesn’t know about the roving gang of Toms. Hmm, still not as good a story as asking Tom if he knew about the Tom Gang. Hysterical that you asked him about Family Guy.
Luuuurve the Family Guy reference, WB!
Life Goal #482: Be caricatured on Family Guy. JK – I don’t really like the show.
it is amazing that you asked him honey! i have always wondered if the celebs know too!
I would TOTALLY want to ask Mr. Greatest Generation if he had the vaguest clue about something so 100% Gen X. That is killer awesome.
oh bugger. he’s taken š
Next ask Ernie and Bert. That shit needs to be blown wide open…
Agh! I always wonder about this too….especially when they hardcore diss someone.
I remember a horrible Sarah Jessica Parker thing-something like how can they put a woman with a face like that in movies. So mean! I would die if I was immortalized like that.
Thanks for being married Tom…thanks alot.
FAMILY GUY!! How adorbs are you & MrB??!
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment! Abs x
have a wonderful saturday!
lmao I am not surprised you asked him .. reading your blog for so long it seems just like you to go right up and ask.. I can’t believe he didnt know omg
Believe it or not, we actually watch Family Guy. And I even laugh aloud. But I had no clue they got permission, that is fascinating. The things I learn from you Miss Wendy, they never cease to amaze me.
Grins & Giggles,
i am absolutely cracking up right now. i don’t even know what to say. you are amazing!