I was brooding about some shizz the other day and gorgeous ex-blogger ENC gave me this helpful list of alternative activities.
- Fold clean clothes
- Plan your day tomorrow (do not include any murder plots)
- Return a call/e-mail to a friend
- Listen to every word MrB says about how his day went after you ask him how his day went
- Pet Henry
- Pet Gigi
- Re-arrange your shoe closet
- Take out the garbage
- Watch Law & Order
- Paint your toes
- Write a Wendy Brandes Jewelry blog post
- Finish the “Mirror” book club post
- Eat some Cadbury
- Go to the gym
- Make a sandwich
- Write a list of the reasons why you are upset, then burn it
- Start daydreaming about what you’ll pack for your trip to Europe
- Pet Henry again
- Pet Gigi again
- Assemble every Prada item you own in one place, and photograph the whole lot
- Assemble every Ossie item you own in one place, and photograph the whole lot
- Iron your sheets
I didn’t do any of these because I couldn’t stop brooding, but maybe I’ll do them in the future.
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Mmmm like the alternative list of things to do. Will start… tomorrow, hah.
I laughed…out loud…for real.
Although the Prada and Ossie mountains sound like a cool idea…
Hi there-I’d love to see all the Ossies photographed, but that would be a mammoth task for sure!!
Definitely pet the animals, it’s a soothing but absent minded activity! You can brood and pet at the same time and maybe the brooding will diminish as you realize just how silky that fur is!
I would like to see all your Prada and Ossie items assembled in one place!
Would that be Cadbury Fruit & Nut?
p.s. My Complaint Department is always open to you, 24/7
I don’t see on the list “workout on La Belette Rouge’s behalf”. Hmmm….;-)I suppose that means you did that already.
Daydreaming about what to bring to Europe is so much fun. Would have taken up the whole day 🙂
I realize now I *should* have said “Paint your toeNAILS,” not “Paint your toes.” But that’s a technicality.
I hope you’ll get through every item on that list at some point soon, but mostly, the photographing of your Prada and Ossie collections.
Now go eat some Cadbury, and get to work!
You didn’t even eat the cadbury? That would’ve been the only thing I would’ve done.
Actually, this post isn’t about your to do list, but about that red dress you’re wearing in that picture. Where did you get it? It looks a lot like this:
I think I’d look pretty good in that because I have your figure.
That list is too big… four maybe five items, tops.
I’m depressed after reading your list…
Do people really iron sheets? How have I missed this?!
I like the flexibility of the list, as you can brood while accomplishing many of the tasks. I find it helps to mutter under my breath or rant and rave to the cats while I’m brooding and folding clothes, doing dishes, or making a sandwich.
I am starting to realise that your anti-spam words are wendy formulated. They must be. Today’s was ‘beyotch’ (LOVE IT!)
In actual relation to the post, I hope you are feeling less brooding today Wendy. If not, that is a fabulous list – not that I expect any less of enc, it is seriously awesome. I may have to steal that for my brooding days.. xx
I think the list seems pretty manageable. But maybe you should add “drink champagne” to the list to make it even more palatable.
1. No murder plots today? What a boring life you lead.
2. Do you really iron your sheets? Wow.
I miss enc’s posts. Thanks for sharing some of her patented humor with us.
I’m liking the idea of someone shaping your day – I might ask enc for a helping hand. But then I never follow my own to do lists mmmm…
When Miss J considers adding ironing her sheets to any To Do list, she realizes she’d rather “Burn Them” than go to the trouble of ironing them. But she could happily pet Henry and GiGi all day long.
That’s a pretty good list. I hope whatever you were brooding over isn’t bugging you anymore. And like the other commenters, I too would like to see you photograph your Prada and Ossie collections.
this is a good to-do list.. can’t wait to see your prada collection!
I don’t mind a good brood if it keeps me *from* folding clean clothes.
Sometimes brooding is necessary and helps us get past a block. Distraction can be merely postponing the necessary brood… then you might brood on your trip, not good.
You didn’t even eat some Cadbury? I would cave for that.
Honestly, enc is the smartest blogger ever. Why hasn’t she come back?? I miss her posts.
Hi Wendy! Just sending some loves your way. No brooding! Unless you are sitting on some eggs. Is it the hand? I hope not — I hope you are in total recovery (as I am — no more appendix surgery recovery pain! Whee!).
So that’s all — hugs and good thoughts coming your way.
i like that “go to the gym” is sandwiched between “eat some cadbury” and “make a sandwich” !
Muffin is never content to be petted, I have to rub his stomach.
Love your new look! So chic…..so…..YOU!!
I luv the Cadbury, Europe packing Daydreaming, Petting,WendyB post, Prada and Ossie things to do, oh and make a sandwich – hmmm, I think I will now that you mentioned it!
awww i miss enc, she had really lovely posts & comments.
would absolutely have loved to see the photographs of the pradas.. feel better hun… and thanks for stoppin by my blog.. love urs
I need to clean my whole apartment for a BBQ tomorrow.
Off the paint my toes… 😉
hihi 😀 I like this list…makes me think what I will do….
I love the jewelry!
why not be a little risky add a murder plot or two! lol
I’ve been anxiously awaiting a new “Wendy Brandes Jewellery” post for a while now. I need something new to covet and despair of ever owning!
I hope things pick up honey!
Love how Cadbury is right next to the gym!
I call bullsh*t – no one actually irons sheets! It’s a lie formulated to make the rest of us slightly guilty because it sounds like something we *should* do. Gawd, I’m lucky if the damned sheets are not on the bed sideways.
There’s alwayss tomorrow!
i couldnt agree more that you need to eat cadbury
making a sandwich, reorganizing shoes, and planning euro trips are good distractions.
Iron your sheets…doesn’t everyone have a laundress to do that…
I could maybe accomplish one of those things in a day. Maybe.
HA! Awesome. That is a great list. I particularly enjoy the eat Cadbury item.
I will take that and add in “move furniture around or do something involving a cordless electric screwdriver”
And hey to enc too! xx
Aw, I miss Enc too. I need a list like this (minus the Prada & Ossie since I’m not lucky enough to have any) the next time I’m brooding.
I like the new word verfication,at least it’s easier type than some awkward combo. Aww Cadbury is the best thing to do when feeling down. Or watching a very hilarious movie. Feel better!
genius. i would add: make a mixed tape (well, itunes mix will do); re-read the first page of a favorite book; watch a buffy episode on dvd; pop open a bottle of champagne (why not?)
It looks like you had a busy day Wendy B!