I wore these Dolce & Gabbana shoes today. I’m sure I got them over five years ago.
I wore them with a black James Perse dress from 2002 and a white leather Jill Stuart jacket from the ’90s. I found this movie ticket stub from 2000 in the jacket pocket.
Typically, I’m out of sync with the times (*cough ahead of my time cough*). Just as everyone is finally jumping on my “shopping in your closet” bandwagon, I feel so over it. I want some new stuff.
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I’m definitely over “Shopping the closet.” Shopping the fridge is still in though 😉
i get you!
I get totally bored with 90% of my clothes but a tiny % of my shoes. I have shoes that I don’t even remember how old they are. Luckily I’ve always been picky about them so they still look nice.
I just switched out my closets for the summer and am getting rid of a pile of clothes but it was really hard to pick out shoes to get rid of. I just realized I need to wear more of what I have.
Um, I think that’s the last time I actually went to a movie theater. PS: I’ll take those shoes 🙂
But your stuff is so classic that it NEVER goes out of style!
YOU are a classic, my dear, not old!
This is why I’m doing a Fashion Swap. If only I didn’t order so much stuff online…
But, I love those yellow pumps!
I would feel your pain except you have the most amazing wardrobe know to man and I’m jealous of each and every piece. So sorry can’t sympathise with you
KT, I would never give up any of the old stuff but these head-to-toe home-grown vintage outfits…ugh! Even my purse was from 2001. I need SOMETHING to be fresh, besides the brand-new slip I was wearing!
Can I come shop in your closet?
Those are fabulous shoes, BTW.
DP, maybe I need to make my closet more like a library and loan some things out for a while. Absence makes the heart grow fonder!
Those are great pumps, and I’m pump-phobic.
WendyB, your closet is just as smart as you are, honey. But, not to worry, the fresh item(s) you desire will come into your life, and your closet, soon, I just know it!
🙂 So funny, I totally understand you!
You’ve got such an amazing wardrobe! I want new stuff too, but it’s more like a list of items to round out what I already have.
Oh, yeah! Yellow! Perfect choice!
Nah, just have a swap party and everytime someone takes an interest in your stuff, Fall in love with it again and snatch it off them.
Hi there-I adore those yellow shoes and I would have loved to see the black dress and white jacket too! Treat yourself to something new, it would be well deserved!!
ha! i know what you mean.. i’ve been ‘shopping my closet’ for ages now, now, i’m cutting everything up in my closet. i’d like new things, i really would… one day when i start working again.
don’t feel old though, you have a lot of clothes, and most good clothes never really go out of style. i have quite a few pieces that are well over a decade, i still wear quite regularly.
My wish is not for world peace but for an auto-expanding closet so you can add more and more and more.
Cute shoes, I love the banana yellow.
I am so over being frugal – being a gluttonous shopping piglet was so much more emotionally satisfying 😉
Everything “old” is new again. I keep seeing “Shop Your Closet!” pieces in magazines. Of course, the mags are encouraging us to by rainbows of wallets, shoes, bags, and belts.
It’s time for you to go to YouKnowWhere and lay down some cash. I’ll drive.
Lol @ everyone’s comments. I love the yellow of those shoes. I’m tired of feeling recess’ed!
I have the perfect solution. You come and look in my closet and then you will fall in love with all of your stuff again! 🙂 I say…go for it! Buy some new stuff. And maybe you could give me the things that are you so done with.
Those shoes rock!
And if I see another magazine article about shoppping my closet, I’m gonna puke. For reals.
the entry you linked is AWESOME! very well said!
Even though WEndyB’s yellow shoes are a few years old, the yellow is very of teh moment. Nice heels, too.
Do you have those in a 9.5? Love the shoes.
You’re not old! Those are brilliant shoes x
Come on. Those bright yellow shoes are amazing!
you spoilt little brat! I’m going to pay some of my “fully sick gangster wannabe cousins” to come burgle you closet..and then we’ll see who’s writing a post about how much their missing their beautiful yellow dolce and gabbana pumps!!
Shaz, the word “burgle” amuses me. Trust me, I’m not giving anything up but once in a while it would be fun to have “all new” instead of “all old” from head to toe.
It’s going to drive me nutty that the ticket stub doesn’t specify a movie. You don’t happen to remember do you?
It’s going to drive me nutty that the ticket stub doesn’t specify a movie. You don’t happen to remember do you?
TLWDL: The movie title is there, it’s just a little unusual. It’s “Yi Yi” —
I remember nothing at all about it!
I agree! I much prefer wasteful spending 🙂
if you are getting rid of any good bohemian chic, or vintage or anything tiny like you — caroline is seriously a fashion girl… How did I end up with your child ?? when I’m a t-shirt and mom jean kind of woman??
yay for new ish!!