Yesterday I neglected to celebrate the 500-year anniversary of the day that my dear friend, Henry VIII (also known on the internets as Henry teh 8), acceded to the English throne.
I doubt I would have remembered at all if gorgeous blogger Princess Poochie hadn’t sent me a story about one of Henry’s love letters to Anne Boleyn going on display in England to mark the anniversary (note: this story gives the date of the anniversary as April 22, but everything else I’ve seen says April 21). How appalling! My dog is named after the man, for God’s sake.
I’ve written about Henry-related topics many times on this blog. Here are some of the key links:
- Intro to Henry and his wives
- Katherine of Aragon (wife #1)
- Anne Boleyn, Part I (wife #2)
- Anne Boleyn, Part II
- Anne Boleyn, Part III
- Anne Boleyn for Dummies
- Jane Seymour (wife #3)
- Anne of Cleves (wife #4)
- Lady Jane Grey (briefly stole the throne from one of Henry’s heirs)
I still have two wives to cover: Katherine Howard and Katherine Parr. Unfortunately, I’ve had a touch of don’t-want-to-blogitis recently. My gorgeous mother, BarbaraB, diagnosed this dreaded disease based on the terseness of my recent posts. Mother knows best! As soon as I recover, I hope to get back to A Distant Mirror and Henry’s wives.
I hope Henry the dog is nicer to his lady friends than Henry VIII was to his wives.
Your dog looks a bit like Henry VIII!
Let’s not forget that Lady Jane Grey was only a pawn, she didn’t want to steal the throne!
Definitely true, Rosie. I go on at length about that in my original post on her but was just trying to sum her up quickly for newbies. As I said, I have blogitis!
Please recover soon. I miss your funny witty posts. They make my day. And yes your dog resembles his highness, akward.
Heads will roll for forgetting this one!
Isn’t it so strange how we name our pets after great people in history–er…and by great I mean powerful and important, not necessarily I guy I’d like to be pals with…
henry the dog is so cute! i’d rather curl up with him than henry the 8th.
Henry the Dog is much more handsome than Henry teh 8. And I’ll be he hasn’t had anyone beheaded yet, which makes me like him even more.
Henry is a lovely name for a dog =) You’re such a clever girl, Wendy! Do you watch The Tudors? It’s back for the third season but without Anne Boleyn, it’s not as good.
Have you read the fictionalized account of Henry’s life, “The Autobiography of Henry VIII as Told to His Fool, Will Somers”? It’s very good.
Re: your stained Ossie Clark. Look for this stuff called Folex. It takes out every stain (except hair dye and nail polish, which really aren’t stains so much as dye/lacquer), including cat vomit and 3 month old wine spills. Uh…so I’ve heard. I am not a spokesperson for them. Google it.
henry teh 8 was quite a character!
Oh dear, Mr. Bex and I share an anniversary with Henry teh 8!
Sheila, I have read that book. I have a little “issue” with secret diary type books:
I would love it if Folex can get out 40-year-old stains! But it seems like maybe they’ve set for too long a time!
Jonathan Rhys Meyers looks really good for 500.
who doesn’t love HVIII
the henry who inspired so many other henrys! my own henry the 8th (the goldfish) is close to celebrating his first birthday. well, it’s his first birthday with us — i’m not sure how long he lived at the pet shop, where he was purchased for less than a dollar…
I second that.. I hope Sir Henry….the family pet is a nicer Henry than that of the Henry in history you mention. lol
Hi there-fab post my dear, I’m pretty sure the blogitis is contagious and hits us all at some point or other! Recover soon my dear!
What a perceptive mother you have there. A rare gift.
Wow, I shared a diagnosis with BarbaraB!! I too have had bouts of don’t-want-to-blogitis, but I think my immune system is better at fighting it off lately.
I have a touch of the same thing. Acute, I think; hopefully, it won’t become chronic.
I thought your blogitis was perhaps the fact that Hannah Montana was wearing your jewelry… but y’know, I secretly love watching Hannah Montana. I even have some Miley Cyrus songs on my iPod. The shame!
Please recuperate fully and quickly! I don’t like missing my regular doses of WendyB witticisms.
Ah, the blogitus. I know how it goes. I wish you a speedy recovery because your wicked wit and good humor are some of the best things on the internet.
Quien es mas guapo? Henry teh 8, o Henry teh perro?
So hard to decide …
Sometimes taking a break is much needed so you don’t feel as tied to your computer! I hope it lifts soon!
Tudor History is so interesting. I studied it for two years and chose it over Modern history (WW1+2) and I loved studying it, so I can definitely understand your interest too!
I heard yesterday that Henry had a full time manservant to wipe his bum. And this guy also weighed 22 stone.
Aye Carumba!
(and Wendy, I think the date thing might be something to do with time zones. My Husband is convinced John Lennon was shot on 7th December- when it was already the 8th when I heard)
I confess I’m completely obsessed with the entire Tudor line. Thus I’m also obsessed with the SHO show The Tudors.
What always amazes me is that if Henry only knew that his DAUGHTER Elizabeth would be one of the greatest monarchs in all of England’s history, he mightn’t have been so frantic about having a SON. Irony of ironies.
I was obsessed with Lady Jane Grey for some reason when I was younger…can’t really remember why now. Henry the dog is quite dignified!
I enjoy your posts so I hope that bloggeritis doesn’t last too long.
I linked to you, does that help?!
I hope your blog-funk passes soon.
I heard Organic honey would kill Bloggeritis darling… adore Tudor periode ~XO*
Love this post, especially the pup. But now you have me singing that song!!
Oh, gracious, that dog looks too much like Henry 8th for comfort. 🙂
He also looks snuggly and adorable, which Henry 8th is NOT, so I’m curious about how this dichotomy plays out.
darling i love how you named Henry the dog after Henry 8th! Henry the 8th was such an interesting character, i remember being intrigued by him in primary school.
muah x
Scrolling down I saw someone else say it already but your Henry resembles the other Henry a little bit! THey both have a rather demanding look.
Scrolling down I saw someone else say it already but your Henry resembles the other Henry a little bit! THey both have a rather demanding look.
My word verification was “colon” btw. Who comes up with those?
My word verification was “colon” btw. Who comes up with those?
Long Live The King! (Not!)
Love Henry your dog(:
Went over to your website and I love your designs! Like the story behind every piece of jewelry!
Your Henry is much more handsome than that other Henry, honey.
Hope you’ll be back to your chirpy-self soon, Ms B. x
Oh gosh, I’m writing my term paper on him and frankly I can’t stand reading his name now. Hopefully I’ll recover soon, as I’ve always been fascinated by the Tudors.
Has the disease
Overcome Thee???
Like the rhyme? I noticed you hadn’t missed a post for over a year so this probably feels weird but its probably better if you wait for the urge to blog to come back naturally. Just don’t wait too long, I miss you! xxx
What a sucker I am, I’ve only had one husband.
I think it’s funny how a person’s infamy can get them a 500th year memorial event. He’s very interesting though. I have this huge book about “The Six Wives of Henry VIII”.
You’d love all the lovin’ Channel 4 UK has been giving ol’ Henry here…. documentaries on him on practically on every bloody night
How many ladies does Henry the dog have on the go?
Ah, his letters to Anne B were bloody marvellous. All needy and longing and insecure. She had him wrapped around her little finger.
I've had that bug too! I think total r&r, computer staying off, and lots of doing nothing helps a bit.