My gorgeous mother, BarbaraB, took me to see Patti Lupone in the musical Gypsy this week. I’d seen the play last March, but after a ceiling vent fell on an audience member, I couldn’t really focus on Patti’s big finale. I wanted to experience an accident-free performance before the play closes on January 11.
I wore yet another vintage dress that I got from gorgeous blogger Cherie at Shrimpton Couture.
The moment I saw the dress on Cherie’s site, I thought, “That dress has my name all over it.” And I was right!
When BarbaraB and I got to the theater, we checked out the souvenirs being sold in the lobby. I had a laughing fit over a t-shirt emblazoned with a line from the play that — taken out of context — is the campiest thing since “Surrender, Dorothy.” I had to buy it.
Speaking of Gypsy and campy things reminds me of an incident from last spring. I was sitting in a restaurant, expounding on the perfection of Patti Lupone to a friend, when he said that he thought her performance was inadequate, resulting in a conversation that went something like this:
Friend: Patti is not a great Madame Rose.
WendyB: …………….!!???!!!
WendyB: (continues) ………………….?!?!?!?
Friend: (annoyed) Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I have to like everything Patti Lupone does.
WendyB: (carefully, so as not to raise suspicions) Of course not!
After that, I hit the panic button I carry for exactly this kind of faux-mosexual encounter. All the gay waiters ran out of the kitchen and carried my friend off to a gay re-education camp, where he participated in intensive diva-appreciation therapy until he was cured of his dangerous level of straightness. It was a close call, my friends.
Now it’s time for the daily reminder: Vote for me (you can do it once every 24 hours) for best fashion blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards. Click here to vote. You can also click on the box in the upper right corner of this screen. As you’ll see, I’m an underdog compared to what Katrocket accurately described as “full-time celeb blogger type folks with advertisers and media support.” But I’m not giving up. Power to the people! We shall overcome! It ain’t over till it’s over! I’m a pretty girl, Momma! Here are my campaign speeches so far:
- The do-it-for-Danny-Devito speech
- The fish-feet-and-leopard-print-Wear-What-You-Want speech
- The first-and-only-fashion-blog-to-mention-Tip-O’Neill speech
I’m going to remind you to vote every day until the polls close on Tuesday, January 13, so you might as well lie back, think of England and try to enjoy it. If you need to fantasize about someone else, I understand. Please note that in an effort to be deserving of your vote, I offered to be the anti-Caroline Kennedy and answer any questions you might have. About anything. Ask about tit jewelry for all I care. Enough of you lurkers come here looking for that! No one has asked any questions so far but the offer remains open. Also anyone who posts or tweets about me or exposes their body parts on my behalf will get a sincere thank you and a link back. Those other blogs won’t do that for you. Nope. You only get that kind of attention at Wendy Brandes Jewelry, where all you friends, family members, clients, bloggers and even lurkers are treated like the gorgeous stars you are.
UPDATED TO ADD: Thanks to the gorgeous and talented photographer Lynette of Portland (OR) Daily Photo for mentioning my quixotic quest for online popularity. Incidentally, Lynette, I sent out your Boleyn necklace by priority mail yesterday so tell Mama to expect it this week. (No need to be alarmed, peeps. It’s not a bribe. Lynette bought it fair and square.) If any of you other gorgeous people want to get your own Boleyn necklace, email me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com and I’ll make it happen.
UPDATED TO ADD: Thanks to the gorgeous, Rhett-Butler-loving, sexy-carrot-admiring blogger Pretty Face for mentioning me today. If I find any provocative vegetables, PF, you will be the first to know.
UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: Thanks to the gorgeous Cherie, who, as you’ve seen, has provided a good part of my wardrobe lately. She’s impatiently waiting for me to wear my third Shrimpton Couture piece. Soon! In the meantime, she’s encouraging you to vote for me.
UPDATED YET AGAIN TO ADD: Gorgeous blogger JuliaMazal points out that the “I’m a pretty girl” tank top is available for $24.95 at Hmm. I could swear that I paid $15 at the theater. But if you want to get a gift for someone who is a big fan of Gypsy and has a crazy sense of humor, it would be worth $10 more to see that person’s reaction.
Hi there-a gorgeous vintage dress with your name on it!!
You must have fixed blogger 😉
Yes fab dress and the t-shirt is brilliant! Very funny post indeed. I’m working on the voting as you know!!
Oh, that’s one of my big regrets, that I left New York last year without seeing Patti in Gypsy!! I LOVE the shirt, I shall have to get my hands on one somehow… I have just the friend for it!
That is a lovely dress (with your name on it), but that singlet is fantastic. It’s so campy it should have been a line in Showgirls.
I’m thinking I should take a Sharpie to my bicep—I’ll draw a big heart, inside which it’ll read: “Vote For Wendy!”
Then I’ll take a picture of it, and e-mail it to you. Does that count as “exposing a body part?”
You just keep wearing all your finds from Shrimpton Couture Miss Wendy! You are my best advertisement ever! You look gorgeous in that one too and I can’t wait to see the last one (uh huh that is just a tease for you readers out there)
I love a trip to the theatre, I’m seeing Fame next week and can’t wait! The dress is amazing and clearly meant for you as it had your name on it!
Hello WendyB, I was very inspired by your blog. Even if I’m not a designer, I’m passionate about jewelry of all kinds and jewelry designs. I was so impressed with you blog, your story (heheheh Marie Claire), that I finally dared proposing you to exchange links with my blog: My preferred style is also vintage, I have a nice post on vintage jewelry. If you have time, check it out. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Wendy, always admire all your vintage pieces…lovely darling!
I just knew it was you who got that handkerchief dress!! It looks gorgeous. And at least you didn’t have to wear the matching hard hat to Gypsy this time!
I voted for you…where’s my sticker?
As usual, WendyB looks divine in her vintage dress.
I love how the words “quixotic” and “faux-mosexual” showed up in the same post. I might have to vote for you third day running just for that. 🙂
Love the dress and yes, I always do read your posts very carefull! 😉 Good idea. I’m going through and catching up on the blogs I do truly care about and marking everything else as read. I can’t stand these blogs that have 30 posts a day! Do I need to know what the cutting edge in light switch covers are? No.
PS – I can’t believe GFU is winning! Are people that close minded and mean spirited?
Yes we do!
You really wear a beautiful dress!
Sorry to double comment, but I just voted again and see that Go Fug Yourself has at least three times the votes of its next competitor. If GFY is a fashion “blog” I’m a jelly donut. It’s on Celebuzz for fuck’s sake.
(delurks) Tit jewellery? Really? Do tell! I’m just here for the vintage frocks and the funnies. (relurks)
Love your blog – def. adding it as a fave!
I had forgotten about seeing “Surrender Dorothy” on the bridge above the Beltway. I used to drive past it everyday quite a while back when I worked in Rockville.,
Have voted. Thanks for the reminder.
You deserve to win – moral victory, innit! x
love the dress!
Sharon, thank you.
PF, yeah, I told ’em!
Make Do, thanks for being a campaign volunteer.
LJ, how could I not buy that shirt, right?
Skye, it DOES sound like a Showgirls line.
ENC, works for me. I hear you have big…biceps.
Shrimp, I know, I can’t wait to show everyone the final outfit!
Squeah, enjoy the show.
Asa, thanks for stopping by.
Lenore, thank you, Cherie has a great selection. You can’t go wrong with her.
Melissa, yeah, it was better without the bleeding.
Belle, hmmm, shouldn’t my campaign volunteers be working on those things?
MissJ, thank you.
Lisa, I wonder what word combo I’ll need to make you vote a fourth day.
Milk, if you’re that backed up, best to start fresh! Or else it’s too overwhelming.
TSB, I like your attitude.
Nadine, thank you.
TSB, you made me laugh. You’d be a cute jelly donut.
Pumpkin, definitely read the next post. I wish you had a blog where I could lurk. Damn.
Katie, thank you!
Bobb, it was famous!
Stylist, thank you!
Swell, you’re sweet.
Jayne, thanks! I love it too. Cherie has great taste.
Ok Darling girl. I have blogged for people to vote for you and made you my Celebrity Vintage Spot too!
If any of you read my blog you know how much I LOVE the Go Fug girls (NOT – they’re cowards I tell you, cowards!) so you MUST win -if only because I was not nominated and I know you will share your victory with me
Go Fug Yourself is a celebrity blog, not fashion! I voted for you today and yesterday.
You’re coming third, you’re beating The Satorialist!! Go Wendy, Go Wendy.
I say we all ignore the Fug girls -they don’t count as a fashion blog.
great dress…fantastic smile…now that’s a daily double.
ooo wendy, I really love that dress on you!
GORGEOUS look! and you have such a beautiful smile 🙂
“faux-mosexual,’ lol, that deserves so many votes.
get a second Gypsy tank – it’s now on sale!
Ugh! I lurve Patti LuPone!!!! I am dying to see her in Gypsy. Fab dress too.