My almost-husband Paul McCartney is on my good side today, thanks to his appearance on The Colbert Report. Some viewers are on my bad side for their online comments saying that almost-MrB didn’t “get it.” WTF? I’m resigned to people having poor reading comprehension but poor TV comprehension is a new low. As you’ll see from the video, Paul played along nicely, naming Ringo as his favorite Beatle and saying that if he had to eat part of himself, he’d start with the midriff. He looks a little spaced out, but the guy’s been smoking pot for 40 years. Of course, he looks spaced out! That’s why you should Just Say No to drugs.
I liked this bit of conversation, which came after Paul said he’d never seen the show, leading Stephen Colbert to say he didn’t know the Beatles.
Paul: “What if I’ve seen your show?”
Colbert: “I’m a huge fan.”
Paul: “Yeah, I love your show.”
Colbert: “Really?”
Paul: “…No.”
Colbert’s intro was great too.
I would give this interview two thumbs up except the thumbs-up sign really annoys me. Oh, damn you, McCartney! Put those things away, already.
I just saw a commercial on CBS for the Grammy Awards on Sunday, Feb. 8. Paul McCartney and Dave Grohl sing The Beatles! I’m revealing just how much of an old lady I am, I’m sure, ’cause I don’t have a clue about Dave Grohl. I guess you could call me the fool on the hill. Help! WendyB.
Paul is the best. I love how The Beatles always joked around with the media. I am glad he still has his sense of humor.
Thumbs signs are cheesy.
I know you hate thumbs-ups but I’ve just kind of given you one:- xx
I love you almost M B spotting stories – you are officially the only person I know that could make me watch a clip on McCartney!
He made Paul yell…that rocked!
I do believe you’d disqualify anyone on the basis of giving a thumbs-up. 😉
Woo hoo Paul!
Hi there-another great story, the thumbs up picture is hilarious!
He does seem a little out of it, but I still love him. Fervently. Plus, HELLO, he knighted Colbert. Such benevolence!
WendyB, I think you need to give the almost MrB a thumbs-up dispensation, after all he IS a Beatle. If he does it, just turn the other way and think of England.
haha best interview evar
It’s a good thing you didn’t marry him then – two thumbs up? Yikes!
love colbert saying, “you are cute” and the duet at the end. classic!
Lmao! At least its both thumbs, imagine how awkward it’d be if it were only one thumb..
I used to use thumbs-up all the time, but I did it so much I started to annoy myself. However, even then, I would never, ever do it in photographs.
Miss J is happy to comply with Just Say No- to the thumbs-up sign.
Stephen Colbert is a genius. And his writers
I have to say that I much prefer your Paul. The Beatle Paul looks like he has a lot of estrogen. He is just not my cup of. But, I know that many people love him so it makes up for the fact that I am not a fan.
LBR, I nearly laughed my ovaries off at your estrogen comment.
Hilarious post. BTW, I rung Sir Paul out at a cash register in Osco in Tucson back in 1988 or so.
Lots of prepositions in that last sentence. Sorry.
Hilarious post. BTW, I rung Sir Paul out at a cash register in Osco in Tucson back in 1988 or so.
Lots of prepositions in that last sentence. Sorry.
He is amazing!
he looks like a cute old man with those thumbs up!
Haha. It is cheesy, reminds me of my grandad.
He’s not over the hill yet!!
My friend got me hooked on the colbert report. I couldn’t stop laughing at this interview.
Ms. B,
This was the best thing I’ve seen on the internet in a long time.
Thank you for posting it.
Ha, oh the thumbs up sign…x
You always make me laugh!
I’m glad you liked your award, thanks for visiting Chic Banana 🙂
I saw this and I thought it was hilarious.
if Paul is your ‘almost husband’ then I will take Stephen Colbert as mine. I adore him!! So intelligent and quick witted. oh I’ll Jon Stewart too thanks.
However…..forgive me Wendy, but I kind of agree with your other readers…I don’t think Sir Paul completely comprehended the sarcasm! It was odd at the beginning but by the end he relaxed into it and played along well 😛
I’ll always love paul, I don’t care what he does.
cute interview
I love Stephen Colbert! L.O.V.E!
He’s hilarious. And though I am not fond of Paul McCartney AT ALL, Colbert pulled out his funny side!