Marc Jacobs-designed clothes are better than Marc Jacobs without clothes.
This isn’t the first time Marc has aggravated me and I’m sure it won’t be the last, considering he’s planning to get a tattoo that says, “Shameless.”
Never Is the Next New Thing
wow. just like the garth brooks song. shameless.
Ha! Totally and utterly agree!
LOL. Also agree 😉
I contend that his new tattoo will be redundant.
I love his designs, but it irks me how every truly big name in the business is often an arrogant jerk haha
That picture is a horror. He looks a bit like Freddie Mercury and I mean no disrespect to the dead by the comparision.
oh no
Scary. Off the marc.
Okay, I know HE’S happy that he’s no longer a stocky nerd and wants to show that off, but frankly I liked him better that way. Now he just reminds me of straight guys who get offended if you aren’t immediately dazzled by their outer-beauty.
Miss C – Hilarious!
OK, what up with him? He used to be so sweet and talented and shy and real-seeming. And now he’s like an arrogant idiot. And he puts this backlash down to envy, apparently. Hmmm…
thank you! I completely agree. what is up with this photo, the tattoo, his attitude, etc?
Haha, it’s rock-star syndrome, most definitely. Before you get a chance to really like the guy, he’s Brandon Flowers and he’s grown an ironic mustache and acting like a douche every time a member of the press asks him a simple question.
LOL…such a look!
I have no words.
you are right, he maybe be very talent but…. need we say more.
oh, but i adored him when he was nerdy and his ego was in check.
ugh, i wish he was the old dork that i used to love.
Get thee into a brown paper bag, quick! The kind that used to cover your cleaning when you picked it up from the neighborhood cleaners, back in the day before plastic took over. I’m saying, in other words, a great big brown bag, not the grocery store kind, because the cover-up is needed chin down.
How’s Henry’s paw?
hahaha …. For some odd reason I find this picture to be really amusing and funny 😛
How can anyone take shameless as a compliment…?
Oh dear. C’mon ladies, we’ve got to show it off before it all goes south. If I reached his status, I might let someone take a picture of me in my skivvies too! Maybe. Anyway, Marc can do no wrong in my lil book. . .
*lol* I totally agree!
Looks like someone forgot to work out their lower body half in their muscling efforts! Hopefully he will look at this pic in few months (years, days, decades) and wonder what on earth he was thinking.
Haha, this picture makes me laugh!!
At last someone who’s sharing my “I am NOT in love with Marc” attitude *lol*
obviously he thinks he is a bit of alright. any excuse to show off his lean muscled body will do?
It’s all part of the post-diet show off plan….
oh come on wendy, as you recall with the help of photoshop, I literally (thanks teri) hung out with marc-y marc and perez last halloween and was hoping this year we could just hang in our undies to hand out candy!
He gave up wheat but continues to smoke…a most confusing juxtaposition. He has very confusing tattoos already…
oh, noes. he must be tired holding up that building.
lol, those lil pants kill me n that pose dont get me started, im dying
Does the insanity ever end!
What the hell? Ever since he got buffed up, he’s been flaunting it like there’s no tomorrow.
And its NOT nice.
holy mother of god. i love him. HAHAAHA!!
i liked nerdy marc much better