My gorgeous husband MrB (sometimes known as Paul) turns 66 years young today!
I am definitely married to the right 66-year-old Paul. The other one who was almost my husband just finished a big Route 66 road trip that involved camping and giving people two thumbs up. I can’t decide which of those activities is more irksome.
MrB knows better than to subject me to camping or annoying thumb movements. Happy birthday, MrB!
Happy birthday MrB!
As for those thumbs up, and the tragic red rinse dyed hair? Very, very irksome indeed.
Who has two thumbs and just dumped a crazy???
Whoo Hoo!
My M-I-L saw the other Paul on his road trip but we all thought she was just hallucinating.
Happy B-day MrB!
Happy B-Day MrB! Here’s to 66 more…
As far as the camping question goes, just make sure that you emphasize how much you LOVE sleeping under the stars: five stars.
Happy Birthday Mr B!! I hope you have a wonderful day and evening celebrating-no camping or thumbs up though, I presume!
big happy birthday kiss goes to Mr.B.
66 is not old as you aptly describe as ‘young’.. is he working?
wonder what we all going to be like when we hit 50, 60, and 70 and so on.. will we be still blogging away?
happy birthday mr b!
Happy, happy birthday Mr. B. I hope you guys both have a lovely celebration 🙂
happy birthday to him! I hope you enjoy the day
More birthday kisses for Mr B!
I actually think McCartney is signaling for help.
Happy Bday to Mr B.
So that makes Mr. B a Leo, yes? Rrrrowr! Does he boss you round a lot?
And holy hell, what happened to McCartney’s dignity?
Sal: 1) No one bosses a Capricorn around. 2) Heather got half in the divorce; PETA took the other half.
Have a wonderful birthday, Mister B!
You are a lucky woman, Wendy. The other Paul is a charmer, but his crazy ex will beat a girl down and that wooden leg of hers will leave bruises, let me tell you!
Happy Birthday, MrB!!!
Good call on the no camping policy.
Happy Day! And how true – No One bosses a capricorn around….nobody.
Happy Bday Mr. B!!!!!
Many many happineless and that you both enjoy one another for many many years!!!
oh well happy birthday Mr
ps : i love route 66 from nat king cole !
Oh and you’re also a Capricorn like me, how cute.
Songy, yep, he’s working hard! Check out
Brilliant! you definitely made the right choice x
I like your MrB way better than the one pictured. Holla and Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you, Paul!! Wendy married the better of the Paul’s—no doubt about that.
Thank you for your kind remarks. Happy birthday to your husband.
happy birthday mr B!
also thanks for the vintage store advice
Oh, if there’s anything I hate, it’s camping.
Happy Birthday Mr. B! You also have better taste in women (I don’t mean Linda — of course).
Happy birthday MrB! It must be reassuring to know that WendyB will be there to hold your ears in case the b-day shenanigans get out of hand.
Hahaha!!! Double thumbs up should never happen.
Happy Birthday Mr.B!
p.s Wendy, your work is beautiful.
Mr. B’s birthday is two days before my son’s! (though Ian is only going to be 3)
Happy Birthday Mr. B!
Wish him a happy birthday and enjoy the celebrations!
Happy birthday, Mr. B, and congrats on realizing that the outdoors are like Baltimore: never worth spending more time than you have to in.
LOL, happy birthday to Mr. B!
And I agree with Skye, Paul needs to embrace the gray…
There is nothing good to be said about camping, nothing at all. Happy 66th birthday Mr B!!
Happy, happy birthday, bay-ah-bee! Oops! Sorry, I couldn’t resist trying to sing in font! Anyway, WendyB, you get the message, right? Please pass along to the man for you, your just-right-hubby MrB, my heartfelt best wishes for his birthday!
P.S. Mama says, “Happy Birthday, MrB!” and to tell you’ve got a few to go yet, to catch up with her–she’s 82 and two thirds.
Lynette, Paul will be psyched to know Mama thought of him. He likes the older gals too, ya know! 😉
Mr. B doesn’t look a day older!
Happy birthday to Mr. B and happy belated anniversary to you both!
happy happy!! ugh to that paul. he lost me when he married that gold digger against stella’s advice.
A very happy belated birthday to Mr. B! Apparently we share a birthday and a love of investigative journalism. This is the second time I have learned my “Learned Something Interesting Today” on your blog, WendyB. I will be bookmarking his website.
Thumbs or no thumbs, he didn’t deserve Ms. Mills. I still love him, but I do so wish he’d stop dyeing his hair. He was gorgeous when he was gray.
Happy birthday MrB. And congrats on making the right pick!