Whenever a fashion blogger quits, changes URLs or seeks therapy and psychopharmaceuticals due to negative comments on her blog, I think of this lovely, civilized post from Gala Darling.
I agree with everything Gala says, though I would have said it with a lot more cursing.* Anyway, it’s food for thought for those of you who have had comment woes.
Speaking of cursing, I saw a dude wearing a t-shirt with this “saying” on it.
About a block away from him, I saw another dude wearing a “Pull My Finger” t-shirt. First, I thought, “Those are two dudes who are never getting laid.” Then I thought, “Why didn’t Pistols tell me that he and his buddy were coming to town?”
My best sighting ever of the “Fucking Fuck” t-shirt was on a hugely pregnant woman pushing a toddler in a stroller. You just know those kids are going to grow up to be a Supreme Court justice and a rocket scientist, right? I described this to my friend Shawn today and her prediction for the kids was, “20 to life.”
I am the proud owner of a shirt** that says, “Do I look like a fucking people person?” In my defense, my gorgeous friend Kara Baby gave it to me as a joke. Or at least she said it was a joke. She used to work for me, so it’s quite likely that she was thinking, “This accurately sums up WendyB’s professional behavior.”
*Sorry about this post, Nathana. You’ll have to pitch me as the George Carlin of jewelry bloggers. Maybe you can blame it on coprolalia.
**I almost posted an incriminating photo of me wearing the t-shirt, but then my sanity returned.
UPDATED TO ADD: Thanks to ENC for sending me this clip of Katt Williams, a dude who is even more obscene that I am. I have to meet this mofo! Imagine the nasty conversation we would have.
And going back to my original theme, he has some words of wisdom about haters.
I love the F*@% shirt! Stupid negative bloggers! Need to keep their comments to themselves!
if i ever become pregnant, something tells me i’ll have that tee…
negative comments suck. i have an ‘instant delete/your address gets directed to the spam folder which i never check’ policy. it seems to work ok.
also, the ‘wrong flavor on free icecream day’ quote…. that’s classic.
So funny, directly after reading this post I looked further down the google reader thing and a few posts below you was a dude in this shirt..
I hate those message tees. I’ve seen some that say “I’m with stupid”.
It is okay to disagree but there is no need to become nasty. Some people think it is ok since they can’t be found out.
I don’t think I will be able to walk out of the door with a F#$* Tee on, just makes me feel all weird.
I’d loved to have seen you in your t-shirt-are you laughing, smiling or scowling-haha!
I wish I would have sw that women wearing that shirt, so funny
damn sanity, post the shirt!
I need that fucking shirt. I want to wear it to work.
The high-end jewelry world could really use someone with a sense of humor, and I contend that you are the person for the job.
Besides, someone’s got to step into GC’s shoes.
RW, my general policy for comments is: “If I want your opinion, I’ll beat it out of you.” I think that’s fair.
Jennine, promise me you’ll send a photo.
Jen, now THAT is sex-ay.
Raven, why does no one wear one that says, “I AM stupid”?
SG, anonymity breeds contempt.
SharonRose, smiling drunkenly.
Kiki, it was a sight to behold.
Herald, I’m already in trouble for cursing. God forbid I start posting photos of it.
Prunella, I think it’s perfectly fucking appropriate for the office.
ENC, or maybe everyone just needs me to shut up and mind my manners!
Thanks for linking Gala’s post- I had never read her blog before.
ps- I luuurve your acorn necklace!
i hate fucking people.
^^Yeah, fucking people are so annoyingly naked and grunty.
oh i adore gala, i’ve been a reader of hers for a while now. she’s so amazing!
and i love the idea of the fucking fuck shirt, maybe i need me one of those.
Ugh! Haters are so annoying. But I think I might actually dislike spammers and self-promoters more.
That shirt is all class.
Well, the “ass” part of it, anyway.
I love Katt Williams!!!
Thanks for commenting on my blog and for updating your blogroll so quickly!
As for negative comments, I don’t mind when people disagree with me in a respectful way that encourages open debate, but gratuitous negativity? No thanks. 😛
I couldn’t BELIEVE how diplomatically Gala handled that post. I, like you Wendy, would’ve been all expletives and rage.
I’m too prudish to sport a shirt like that, I’ll admit. But I HAVE considered buying a Successories-inspired poster of Marky Mark’s best line from “The Departed:”
“Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.”
Words to live by.
Miss J couldn’t get the link to work to read Miss Gala’s post. Miss J has so few commenters she hesitates to bitch about anything they might say. But if some hater came around hatin’, she might reply (in the words of her sketch comedy mentor, Mr. Todd Rohrbacher), “Eat my Fuck.”
Wendy B, you just made my day. Honest to goodness.
I saw a student on campus with this shirt: It’s Not Going To Lick Itself.
I asked some other people if they would allow a student to remain in their class, had he shown up wearing that shirt.
And then I wondered who it was manufacturing these teeshirts. I’m not a prude by any means, but come on.
It always makes me sad when I see people giving up on something they like because of haters. Like if you don’t have anything nice to say just shut the bloody hell up!
I really loved Gala’s post too, a must read for all bloggers I think.
haha kat williams!!
i’m so glad i came back to this one to see the addition, thanks enc & wendy, for the katt williams and f#*k Michael Jackson.