When I learned that Lorraine Bracco, beauteous star of one of my favorite movies AND one of my favorite TV shows, was having a tasting of her own line of wines, Fernando and I jumped in a cab and went to Sherry-Lehman. Lorraine Bracco poured me some Chianti with her very own hands and kindly agreed to take a photo with me and my pig friend. Of course, the camera didn’t work initially and I was so embarrassed that I turned pinker than Fernando, but she was very patient and at last we had success.
About the next photo, Lorraine Bracco said, “I better not see this on eBay!” I said, “Of course not!” without elaborating that it would be on Blogger instead. I hope Lorraine Bracco will forgive me. Who knows when Fernando will next be nibbled by an Oscar nominee? I can’t resist sharing this. I’m not made of stone, Lorraine Bracco!
I like to think that if Lorraine Bracco and I became best friends, I would still call her “Lorraine Bracco.” She would call me and be like, “Hey, do you want to come over for some Chianti and fava beans?” and I would say, “I’ll be right over, Lorraine Bracco.” Then she would say, “Stop calling me Lorraine Bracco.” And I would say, “I’m sorry, Lorraine Bracco.”
After buying some wine from Lorraine Bracco, Fernando and I went to St. Patrick’s Cathedral to give thanks that the camera worked and that we were not the ones who told Lorraine Bracco that she looked prettier in person. That was some other dude. I totally get what people mean when they say that, but it still must be annoying to hear. I think Lorraine Bracco understood that the guy meant well. After all, she played a psychologist on TV. Plus that guy bought a whole case of wine!
After worshipping — or really just walking by the front of a cathedral — Fernando and I decided to act like tourists. So we walked slowly up Fifth Avenue, getting in the way of as many as people as possible.
What could be more touristy than a carriage ride in Central Park?
Driver Joe Gilligan struck a pose with Fernando. Joe is from Ireland, as are many of the carriage drivers, and has been at his job for 22 years. His horse is named Charlie Brown. (Oh, and Joe’s single, ladies!) Joe said Fernando was the lightest customer he ever had.
Joe took this picture of me and Fernando.
I’m not sure I feel like schlepping Fernando to the Statue of Liberty so I hope this will do.
As you can see, it was a lovely day in the park.
After our adventures, Fernando and I went back home where we are now kicking back and contemplating drinking a glass of my BFF Lorraine Bracco’s wine. Look, she signed the bottles!
That’s like if I met you I would totally call you the jewelry wizard/blogger, Wendyb. And yes I would say “Hello jewelry wizard slash blogger Wendyb, please may I have another sip of the wine.”
That’s like if I met you I would totally call you the jewelry wizard/blogger, Wendyb. And yes I would say “Hello jewelry wizard slash blogger Wendyb, please may I have another sip of the wine.”
Looks like Fernando is allways having so much fun!
this is pretty much the funniest post ever. xD thanks for making me choke on hot tea.
A brilliant day with Bracco!
Don’t know about the wine, but I love Bracco and The Sopranos.
Those pictures are tres chic. I also agree that you should call her by her full name, like, “I got this, Billy Zane.”
Also, now I’m angry that she lost the Oscar for her brilliant work in Goodfellas to Whoopi effing Goldberg for Ghost, like that role and that movie weren’t huge pieces of crap.
This is why I couldn’t be friends with her – I’d just keep bringing that up.
I’m in love with this entire post, from beginning to end, from wine to carriage, from your BFF Lorraine Bracco to your fellow pretend-tourist Fernando. It’s got so much fun going on, for all of us through you, WendyB. By the way, Duncan says thanks for the sympathy pain–his pathology report was A-OK, thank goodness.
So much fun! Is Fernando a wine drinker or does he have some harsh feelings towards Bracco since she tried to bite him!?
you’ve such a beautiful smile.
well Fernando keeps having fun 🙂
Sweet Fancy Moses! It’s Dr. Melfi!
haha! when I read ‘mortified Wendy” for some reason it was ‘certified Wendy”. Maybe because the end of exams has made me feel I’m no longer certifiably insane.
Great post. Looks like you are having fun. Ill have a taste of the wine anytime..And that carriage ride totally reminds me of that episode when MR Big and Carrie ride around before Miranda gives birth.
The whole Dr. Melfi post was just too funny. LLOL!
Thank you, Terri Berry! Wish you were here to have experienced the afternoon with me!
love all these pictures that you have been taking with Fernando, the pictures around NY made me feel like I was on a tour of it too =)
I do that full name thing too! There’s this really uptight freshman who has the greatest name ever: Mary Mussman. I can’t ever call her anything else!
Looks like you had a great time. I have always been intrigued by Lorraine Bracco’s voice, a very unique one that I can’t describe but strikes me funny sometimes. Anyway, I’m jealous you got to meet her. I love her in GoodFellas. And all your pictures look just like my trips when I hit NYC. Next time you pop into St. Pat’s go across the street to the The Palace Hotel for a drink or a cup of tea. That’s the hotel we always stay at, has a beautiful little lobby and lounge and one of the best restaurants, Gilt.
P.S. Love the lotus necklace.
What a totally fun day out exploring your city and meeting Lorraine Bracco too-lucky gal!!
Hilarious! I’d totally continue calling her Lorraine Braco too. Those names just belong together.
Lorraine Bracco is so great! That is the funniest Fernando pic yet.