The dogs are going to the groomer today. Thank God, because they smell like Limburger cheese.
Gigi always gets the same ‘do, which suits her perfectly straight hair and minimizes her large (for a Peke) schnozz.
But I’m not sure what to do with Henry. When he’s got long hair, his natural Henry VIII-like red color shows nicely.
When he has short hair, he looks blonder but very cute, like a teddy bear.
Any thoughts?
*We have determined she is mostly Tibetan spaniel, but we let her keep passing for a Peke. I can’t bring myself to tell her about her heritage when I haven’t even told her she’s adopted!
UPDATED TO ADD: It is quite chilly out today so I decided that this was not the right time for Henry to shed his winter coat. He just got a bath and a trim instead of a buzz cut. In case he gets invited to any special events, I picked out some “black tie” ear ornaments for him.
Why do I do these things to him? Because I can.
Gigi went Balenciaga-floral for spring.
Someone once described Henry as “the brown dog.” Ooh! I was so angry! Henry is clearly Tudor red and if you say otherwise, I will have you sent to the Tower.
UPDATED AGAIN TO ADD: GeorgeB is sending me photos of Molly, my parents’ rescued Peke. Here she is wearing a wizard’s hat.
Aaaw so cute!! Not the smell though, thats gross.
I think Henry looks adorable with short hair although he looks more like a pug with it, not a Peke.
Does he really need to chop it off? Oh, the pun of it! If not, then leave it be, WendyB!
I do think gigi need a little trim thought. Her roots are showing.
he’s so cute with the short hair!!!!!
wow so so so so cute ^o^
henry with short her is da best, he looks so adorable.
Very cute but the smell, if it is really like that cheese, waou!!
So hopefully will come back smlling lovely shampoo :))
gigi is adorable. i have never actually had a dog, not even a family dog, and i was thinking about getting a peke. this post definatly makes me want one!
I love their little smuushy faces. Yes, smuushy is a word!
Hmmm: Benevolent Beheader, or Tufted Teddy bear? I vote for Benevolent Beheader. Mind you don’t fall out of his favor though. You know what happens then . . . .
OMG they’re so so cute! d leave their hair long and tie ’em good with bbig great bows if I were you tehee…
Limburger cheese may smell, but it is very tasty…
Short hair all the way! He looks so squeezable (like King Henry: the later years).
aw, they are both adorable! puppy love 🙂
My parents have a Shih-tzu and she gets pretty stinky too. I would describe her stink as more of a men’s locker room odor than a stinky cheese. I used to have a Lhasa Apso and when he smelled like sweaty feet, we knew it was time to go to the groomer’s.
Very sweet…but where’s her outfits..her bag etc?
I’d go with the short cut. It makes him look years younger 🙂
Miss J has no advice to offer re: grooming. They’r ebeautiful jsut like they are. She will say this- Girlfriend- what are you thinkin’? When the truth of her mixed heritage gets out- and it WILL- there is gonna be some serious ramificatin’! Watch yer back.
Mmmmmm stinky cheese!
I dig long hippy hair on a dog, but either way is good.
I think Henry’s royal look suits him very well.
oh my good what cutie pies!!!! Well, Henry has the looks and attitude to pull off both looks amazingly well so you can’t make very much wrong with anything. But since it’s getting summer and warmer don’t let fashion overrule pragmatic points and leave it short for the time being.
Henry’s cuter with short hair. It makes him look more like a puppy. Plus, I just like shorter hair cuz it’s less maintenance.
Aw how can doggies that cute, smell so nasty? It’s just not possible. I put it to YOU, Wendy B, that it is YOU who smells like old cheese and you are blaming these adorable and fragrant pooches. SHAME ON YOU.
Aw how can doggies that cute, smell so nasty? It’s just not possible. I put it to YOU, Wendy B, that it is YOU who smells like old cheese and you are blaming these adorable and fragrant pooches. SHAME ON YOU.
I don’t know anything about dogs but let me tell you girl, your dog is really beautiful, you should take him in castings or auditions for tv commercials, movies and stuff! You might earn millions from your him! lol!
you made the right call on the king, wait till summer to chop off his head… i mean hair. the even look like they smell good!
do you think rehab is the new tower?
aaaaahhhhhhh so cute!!!!!!!!!
Like a teddy bear indeed, so cute with short hair but also quite the looked with long hair.
Oh God!
Dogs that just got haircuts!
There should be a before and after website devoted to this.
Gigi and Henry are soooooo adorable. I just wanna snuggle with both of them.
Very cute end results!
I’m from Limburg, but actually never heard of that cheese. Is that bad?
Or am I your goddess now? Haha.
Hi Wendy!
Oh! Gigi, Henry and Molly are all so cute! I LOVE pekes!
Thanks for the smile!
Renee, that’s fascinating!!!! You are now my cheese goddess.
Aww, your little ones are precious!
my friend has a black peke, pekes are so cute. they remind of chinese lions.
I want your dog Wendy!